Hi Mokonzi,
Just found this bug, well it's been there for a few days now.
Basically all new classifieds are not producing thumbs, and when you click the edit image order they are just blank.
However the images exist in the listings but not on the featured bar, or in the listing page as thumbs.
Here is an attachment, I have not upgraded from RC4 yet though so you might of already fixed this???
View Listings in - Buy Sell Wanted on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts
You can see what I mean on that page, and here is the attachment.

I have refreshed all caches too.
Just found this bug, well it's been there for a few days now.
Basically all new classifieds are not producing thumbs, and when you click the edit image order they are just blank.
However the images exist in the listings but not on the featured bar, or in the listing page as thumbs.
Here is an attachment, I have not upgraded from RC4 yet though so you might of already fixed this???
View Listings in - Buy Sell Wanted on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts
You can see what I mean on that page, and here is the attachment.

I have refreshed all caches too.