Bug Listing Ended, No option to relist and does not show up in My Listings

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Hmmm. Would there be a way of me temporarily being able to login to that user's account for me to see for myself what's being displayed?

It might be the listing has an unusual combination of settings that's preventing it displaying.
Hmmm. Would there be a way of me temporarily being able to login to that user's account for me to see for myself what's being displayed?

It might be the listing has an unusual combination of settings that's preventing it displaying.

Ill post some screen caps in a hour or so...

Its strange because its there when you click it, but not in any of the My Listings All Listings, Archived Listings ect...
As you can see the old listing still shows Planet of the Vapes UK Vaping and E-Cigarette Forum with no option to relist on the listing itself...

Go into User Control Panel, My Listings,it does not show in:
Current Listings
Current Listings.webp

All Listings
All Listings.webp

Archived Listings
Archived Listings.webp

Now if I go into UCP and choose "My Classifieds" This is what I see:

Through the Admin Control Panel, Both listings show, the lowest one is the ended one that the link above goes to.
On another note with this thread too... I have listings that arent showing up in "current" listings

So the only way I can view them is by finding them in the main listings on the front page of the Classies...

Also, not all listings are showing up in the signature bit on the forum. Sometimes its all of them other times its only 1,2 or 3
sellers ads in sig bit.webp
I think I have an idea what might be causing this. I'll see if I can find this before I get the update out tomorrow...
I'm still not sure what's causing this. I did notice that the listing you can't see lasted for just one day... have you any other listings you've done that with? i.e. a 24 hour listing? If not, could you try doing another one for 24 hours and leave it unsold.

What might help also is if you have any other listings that have not been unsold, if you could create a list of them, what their settings were, time frame, etc.

There must be a reason that single listing isn't showing, and it's not obvious atm. On my dev sites all of the listings that I've had unsold have remained visible in the My Listings pages.

You also highlighted you have a second listing... I'm assuming you just copied and pasted the info for your unsold listing to create the identical listing?
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