Legacy Mail sending is turned off by default in userCP, so users need to enabled it

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I'm posting this as feature request for two mods (APTL and AUT) as both have it in new version. I'm not sure if mail sending upon action (mentioning, thanking, liking, etc.) is in free version, but I noticed this here (were it is in full version).

Anyway, I think that it would be good if mail sending could be turned off by default in userCP, so users need to turn it on if they want to receive emails about actions. Or at least that we have option in ACP to have this turned on or off by default for all our users.

I don't know how many users would like to receive emails about actions, but I think it is much better for larger sites and majority of users to turned this on if they want to receive emails. For example, I received e-mail that I was quoted here, so I turned it off for all actions for myself. Users who wants e-mail notification, they could turn it on themselves.
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Here is a quote from Fillip H. on that issue, so this is the second request:
This is the first time in we've heard any complaints about it, if we get several more we'll look into changing the default :)

For the time being though, we'd like as many people as possible to know it's there, since it was a very widely requested feature :)
I couldn't see link of quote, probably in pro support forum.

Anyway, if it could be programmed as option in ACP, that we decide if we want to have it, or not?

I personally wouldn't enable emails on my sites at all, only if it is turned off by default in userCP. I understand that many people asked for this, but this is will generate email tsunami, at least it will do this on my forum. And, people who are on shared hosting could be in trouble because of this. Also, someone might think that this is some form of spam.
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