Bug Manage Listings (edit) , ended listings not checked

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When in admin; using the manage listings then choosing any listing that has ended the
group radio options to say if the auction has ended are both not selected.

And should you be able to restart the auction from here as when you choose no and submit
it again it then defaults to no radio options selected.
I keep meaning to change the option in the Manage Listings that gives you the radio options, as initializing a listing again in the AdminCP would create some unique issues. So far we've encouraged Admins to use the Relist options on the front end to control relisting products.

If I was to try and work a solution into this, what would you want to be able to set to restart a listing? I'm assuming an option for how long. Anything else?

What browser are you using to get that issue? I'm viewing one in Chrome and not seeing the issue you've got.

If you run this MySQL command in the SQL part of the ACP you can grab the raw data for that listing in the database:

		FROM TABLE_PREFIXdbtech_classifieds_listing AS l
		WHERE l.listingid = LISTINGID

Replace LISTINGID with the ID of the listing and TABLE_PREFIX with the prefix used for your database tables by vB.

Feel free to post the Listing here or PM me it to me. :)
I've left the yes/no option in place for now pending more information on this error. I'm marking it as not reproducible.

If you can, try posting the values for this MySQL code in this thread:

		FROM TABLE_PREFIXdbtech_classifieds_listing AS l
		WHERE l.listingid = LISTINGID

Replace LISTINGID with the ID of the listing and TABLE_PREFIX with the prefix used for your database tables by vB.
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