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Ive upgraded to the new beta.

Loving the buttons I can add :)

I ran maintenance and my postbit legacy info dropdown menu has no info in it.

Then I remembered in the old setting this option was available.

Postbit Integration

This controls what statistics should show in the Postbit.
Note that if the feature it belongs to is disabled, it won't show in the postbit.

There is also these missing also

Allow Like / Thanks
Whether to allow an user to both Like and Thank a post.

(Pro) Allow Dislike / Thanks
Whether to allow users to both Dislike and Thank a post.
It is not possible to use any of those settings in their old format due to the fact that theres now an infinite number of buttoms available :)

Try reverting any customised templates pertaining this mod and/or flush any cache systems you may be running.
Ah right, so the reason it is still there is because it is attached to the old mod?

The new version doesn't have this ability so if I wanted to show thanks , likes etc in postbit I would have to manually input the code into my legacy?
No, the old setting is ignored. There's a few reasons why stats won't show:

1. All buttons were set to Inactive
2. The dbtech_thanks_postbit_stats template was missing or didn't have its proper contents
3. {vb:raw stats} were missing from dbtech_thanks_postbit
4. The {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts} was missing from postbit(_legacy)
Ok, I removed {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts} from my postbit legacy and this removed the drop down stats menu.

Now I need to manually insert code to reveal the thanks counts.

This is the original, but because it has changed including varname what are the new calls please?

<vb:if condition="$vboptions['dbtech_thanks_postbit'] & 1 AND !($bbuserinfo['dbtech_thanks_settings'] & 1)">
<dt>{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_thanks}</dt>
<dd>{vb:rawphrase dbtech_thanks_x_times, {vb:raw post.dbtech_thanks_thanks}}</dd>

The database field is now called dbtech_thanks_statistics with thanks_given and thanks_received as varnames but am having trouble calling to them. The raw phrases would stay the same!?

Any help please. :)
No please just revert the templates to the 1.1.0 default and the stats will show up. The code you posted is old and defunct :)
Excellent, all showing now.

Any chance of the calls to the raw data please in code so I can use them as a singular in my postbit legacy instead of a drop down?

You mean you want access to each individual line like "Thanks (Given): 11" etc?

If so, that's gonna be a bit tricky but if you post it up as a feature suggestion in PT for the mod, we'll look into it :)
That's correct. Some of my forums only have certain buttons active. So I only need to show that info.

I guess you could hook it to the forums in adminCp , when you uncheck a button, it will use the IF condition and ELSE.

I'll make the suggestion in features.
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