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Not really a request, wasn't sure where to put this for you Ozzy.

When we moved from awcoding to vbDonate one of Fast's little things was he wanted the feature of the recent donators.

I swung by to tease the fruits of my labor:
You can also catch it on the front page.

Still have some work todo and overall I am sure it could use a complete work over. Just went live after adding support for undisclosed donations and Anonymous. I saw a couple of donations in the system listed as unknown. Wasn't a high priority for me at the moment but I will add some code in to check if the user exists and if not show as Unknown like you do on the donate page. Also need to add in the ability to change the number of donaters shown in the module settings. Next thing after that I will make it show only this months donators rather than just the last X number or add a toggle for that anyways.

Its a PHP module for vBa and in my case i decided I wanted it in the middle so I have two templates with code from your template. But its easy enough to just have it at the bottom and use the new show line u have implemented. I was going to share it with icewolf when it gets further along. If you have any interest in taking it further let me know.
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Sent. Right now its probably worthless as a starting point. Make the changes i mentioned in the email to make it suitable for general use (calling up your template to be up top) it might be an alright starting point for the less experienced.

But I have a feeling you will be shaking your head at my first attempt. It was pretty early in and that right there makes up the 6 hours of experience I have with coding for vBulletin, vBadvanced.
Cool I am about to go out myself, I will give it a look later tonight or tomorrow, and see what I can do with it, it should not be a problem though. Thanks.
I was going to send over a new version that used the stock vba template u use in 1.3.0 but I am still having issues with the formatting going crazy without putting the donate template in a td tag. I am at work so i wont figure it out till tomorrow.

Anyways since its missing from the xml i sent over here is the template that makes the whole writing out the donators work:
			<tr style="width: 100%;">
				<td nowrap="nowrap" style="text-align: center; padding-bottom: 1px;">
<vb:if condition="$show['username']"><a href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw user}}">{vb:raw user.musername}</a><vb:else /><B>Anonymous</B></vb:if> {vb:raw amount}
I was changing this to a div to eliminate the problem with needing the td tag around your template...but that didn't fix it.

As I said mind as well remove the reference to the bottom template and just change the top template to point to the 1.3 template. If i have any luck I will send it over tomorrow but past that milestone and adding in code to deal with Unknown i am done since your already on the job.

I still have to laugh as this probably wont be your platform for doing this. It already needs 95% more code. Things like checking wether net or gross amount is selected in the options. Right now net is hardcoded and is easily changed but thats not a polished product. Its a start, its a mess its an early alpha. I think with what you will have to add to it in the end your not going to recognize it when its done.
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TBH I was going about it a bit different by adding a separate module for recent donations, and probably one for top donators. I think the original module is full enough the way it is. This way you will have 3 different modules you can use.


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Ok I tweaked it some more, here is the screenshot of them both:


Here is what it shows when you hover over a amount in the recent contributors module:

Here is what it shows when you hover over a amount in the top contributors module:
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