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How to re list an item?

I received and notification --> clicked on the link which took me to the listing --> I clicked on Edit Listing ...but what is missing is the

  • Listing Type: Start Date
  • Listing Length

and perhaps an option to relist with the above two options available?

I also checked the User Control Panel but I don't see any options to relist...
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I don't see how to Re-list but perhaps that's really not what I'm looking to do!

Basically, the wrong listing time was selected and as the Admin I'm looking to correct the Listing time frame or extend the time frame.

Listings Manager --> Editing Listings

No way to change the Listing Active Dates and change the Ended to No instead of yes

Edit Listing.webp
At the moment relisting just mirrors the older listing. The idea is to quickly relist an item. I'll look at seeing whether we can create an option to 'add time' to a listing if a user has permission (in version 2 most probably).

I'll check as to why we're not getting an option on when to start a listing, there might be a bug there.

In the ACP it's not possible to restart a listing. Too much is involved in allowing a listing to be 'unended' that introducing it would probably produce a wide range of knock on effects that would destabilize Classifieds (included in which is screwing up listing fees).

I'm gonna change this thread into a feature request so I can keep track of it. :)
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