Bug Sellers Items Block Height

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Is there a setting to change the height of the sellers items / Sellers Other Items side block?
or stylevar if there is one which I don't see...?
Nope. You'll need to search and adjust the height setting for the #sellersitems in the main Classifieds css file. :)
If you look through the css (using search to make it quicker) look for sellersitems. There are several height settings you may need to adjust to get rid of the scroll bars. Have a play around with them and see how it goes. If not give me a shout and I'll have another look at some suggestions for you. :)
The height settings are 100%
What I have notice is when Titles are long and take up more than one line the scroll bar appears.
That's more trick to solve. Are you just getting vertical bars, or are you also getting horizontal ones?
I'm not sure what can be done when the title splits over two lines. That will be the issue even if we provide for 3 or 4 four lines if a user has a title long enough to be 5 lines, etc.

I'll take a look while I'm working on the designs for the mobile layout for v2 and see if I can find a reasonable solution to the problem. ;)
We've implemented a change in Version 2 that will allow for a trimming of the title based on a StyleVar setting. :)
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