
I know that stock vBulletin comes with a basic subscription manager but it lacks in some important features. This is where I think DBT could come in.
  • Notifications of subscriptions ending through PM, visitor message, DBT notifications, or all of the above.
  • Separate notification for each subscription as some sites have multiple.
  • Subscription gifting - one member purchases subscription for another. The member receiving the gift subscription gets notification of the gift.
  • Subscription page for description of subscription.

More as they come to me.
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I can only speak for 3.x, but the subscription system is woefully inadequate. So I support this request.

Paid subscriptions are a big money maker. Recurring subscriptions especially do.

Not being able to upgrade subscription levels, cancel them on-site, generate decent reports, offer targeted coupons and special offers, etc. is a pain. Requires daily constant email support.

Almost as bad is the no-permission response which needs to be tailored to specific actions and subscription levels (user groups).
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4.x site subs does allow you to create recurring subscriptions.But that was built for site subs.And agree is basic. I just get the feeling the list you posted Charlie somehow has all dbtechs mods intergrated with it..;)
Yes you are correct, there is recurring subscriptions but they are really insufficient. Expiry notification for each individual subscription is really what will drive members to re-subscribe and would be an extremely important feature.
I totally agree and something I would be interested in.The code as we know has already been written within carts and donation systems.To take it a step further and add it to a subscription manager would be a real bonus.
Interesting. I'll take a closer look at the subs system in the next few weeks and see if i think it's something we could improve with a product =).
i already have 75% of these requests on my shelf, plus more features... these are commercial tools for 3.8.x, but can quickly be updated to 4.x... i'll do that by the week-end and check with the guys here if we can bundle something solid for you in the next days!
Nice! :)

i already have 75% of these requests on my shelf, plus more features... these are commercial tools for 3.8.x, but can quickly be updated to 4.x... i'll do that by the week-end and check with the guys here if we can bundle something solid for you in the next days!
Interesting. I'll take a closer look at the subs system in the next few weeks and see if i think it's something we could improve with a product =).

i already have 75% of these requests on my shelf, plus more features... these are commercial tools for 3.8.x, but can quickly be updated to 4.x... i'll do that by the week-end and check with the guys here if we can bundle something solid for you in the next days!
Any new thoughts on this?
Ozzy47 will be able to answer that better than me, I think vBDonate does have some subs features but it's not a fully featured overhaul by any means - it's outside of the scope of the mod to do that either to be honest, so i wouldn't expect it in future.
Yeah it is outside the scope of vBDonate, I started to add a subscription module to the mod, but stopped as it was taking way to long.

I will be looking to add subscription to donating in the future though.

But it will only be for donations, as far as a subscription manager that would be a separate mod in it's self.
Just wanted to add a fresh post on this as I think it is a very important mod and would greatly improve the stock subscription manager that is really lacking.