We've had this discussion extensively, and I'll restate several points I've made before as well as addressing some of your latest remarks.
So for you is normal
that the last items added
are placed
DOWN the listing/page and not up???
Sorry, but I never see nothing like this in my life...
Search for an item on eBay. I just searched
iPhone. Among the options for ordering is 'Ending Soonest'. That means the items who will end the sooner than others are displayed first. Their 'Best Match' search gives you items that match best for your description and are ending soon. That is their default setting.
Why do they do that? Because they are an auction site. You sell the items that will soon be unavailable as quickly as you can. DragonByte Classifieds was built as a way of selling items in auctions. That requires a similar functionality. That is what we have.
Regarding the following:
Please don't say that "it work as intended" because this doesn't work!
If is there an option inside the plugin to change the listing in
Oldest to Newest
Newest to Oldest
and this function doesn't work, this function doesn't work"
What did we 'intend' to create? I know that we intended for the ordering we have with no option to change it. As stated earlier, because Classifieds was originally planned and built to focus on auction like settings, it required that ordering. It was
intended and therefore is working as intended.
The issue you have is with two things:
First you didn't expect it to work this way because you are approaching using Classifieds from a different angle. You want to sell and allow your users to sell with a slightly different approach to auction. As stated before, this is now adjusted in version 2 and so will be a
new feature (because it was never intended to be included initially) you can make use of.
Second, you are misreading the information about a setting. The setting name is:
My Classifieds/My Listings Ordering of Listings. It's description is:
This setting controls the default ordering of the My Classifieds and My Listings pages. Those two pages are
not the home pages in Classifieds, try the links in our Classifieds section to see what I mean:
Since that setting is very clearly not stating it affects all Classifieds pages, and only mentions the above two, it cannot be expected to order the rest of the pages. In fact in version 2 we have a second setting that will allow this functionality. Therefore on that basis alone, it cannot be described as a bug (
Definition of 'Bug'). That means the change you are wanting is a feature request. We have accepted it and implemented it in version 2, the next available version we can do so.
I hope this helps settle some of the concerns you have about this situation marko. Remember you have access to the latest Closed Betas of version 2, so you can test the new feature there for yourself.
As mentioned in the other thread you recently opened, we are working on an improved API for Payment Processors that will make a lot more options available for use in Classifieds.