Bug Typo found in admincp DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - Rotating Banner Settings

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Typo found in admincp DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - Rotating Banner Settings

Show Rotating Banners?
With this option you can show a rotating banner on the main donate page.
All the banners should be of the same size to avoid page jumping due to resizing.
You should have as many banners as you can, to help with the randomizing of them.
[HL=typo]Their[/HL] is a total of 30 banners with the product, they are 1080px x 150px
Images can be in gif, jpg, or png format, and must be loaded in the folder,
Yes No

Suggestion (if I'm not misunderstanding that there are no default banners to rotate and that it comes with a red block and an apparent missing set of images) : would be to make a simple graphic for the admins to know to change it or disable it, or even better a standard graphic saying donate now in a few different colors, enough to rotate to show its functionality
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