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I have been using the lite version and have now purchased the Pro.

Should I uninstall the lite before doing the installation of the Pro version?
No need, just upload all files and import the Pro XML file for your vB version, all done :)
Thanks for that. I did as instructed and everthing appeared to have installed properly. However, having made changes in the Shoutbox via User settings and then tried to Save those changes, I get the following error message:

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb3_user SET
### Bitfield: vb3_user.dbtech_vbshout_settings ###
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 2048, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 2048),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 32, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 32),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 64, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 64),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 1, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 1),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 2, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 2),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 4, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 4),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 16, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 16),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 8, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 8),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 4096, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 4096),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 128, dbtech_vbshout_settings, dbtech_vbshout_settings + 128),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 512, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 512, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 1024, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 1024, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 8192, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 8192, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 16384, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 16384, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 32768, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 32768, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
dbtech_vbshout_settings = IF(dbtech_vbshout_settings & 65536, dbtech_vbshout_settings - 65536, dbtech_vbshout_settings),
dbtech_vbshout_shoutarea = 'default',
dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize = 0,
dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize_detached = 0,
dbtech_vbshout_displayorder = 'a:1:{i:1;a:4:{s:11:\"shoutnotifs\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"systemmsgs\";s:0:\"\";s:12:\"shoutreports\";s:0:\"\";s:11:\"chatroom_1_\";s:0:\"\";}}'
WHERE userid = 1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Wednesday, August 11th 2010 @ 01:58:55 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, August 11th 2010 @ 01:58:55 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community-log
Looks like the install script didn't run correctly. Try re-installing the product (uninstall first, then install it again).
Since upgrading to the Pro package the Forum Page takes much longer to load. Is there a reason for that. I have tried solutions that have already been suggested in this forum to no avail. I even switched off the post notifications, which helped slighly.
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Legacy vBShout

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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