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I am having a block font color issue when viewing a listing as well as a width issue on my custom DBT skin.

Is it also possible to auto adjust imported image sizes?

listing view.webp
Hmmm. I'll take another look at this for Beta 4. It's a challenge getting the skins to flow correctly. I've made some changes in Beta 3, but they may not totally fix your issues. What skin are you using? :)
Ok, I'll check with danzor about it. If you've got the means for me to take a look at your site (i.e. can you PM me a link and account details) I can check it in person. :)
Width issues sorted out for Beta 4... will look into the whole matter of the colours next... :S
Hey Mokonzi, is there an easy way for me to change the font color as discussed here earlier? With my custom theme the font color is very hard to read.
I have played around with it in the CSS but it is a lot of work to change everything.
I've had a think about this, and the best solution I can see is either changing the dbtech_classifieds.css template or using the additional.css template to add in some CSS like:

#summarydata, #summarydata, #sellerdata {
	color: #FF00FF;

You can add as many conditions as you like before the {. The three I used above are three used on the view listing page. You are best using as few conditions as you can and being selective on which ones you pick. ID's (using the # in front of the name) are best as I've aimed at coding them (as should be with CSS and HTML) so they are only called once on a page. That should prevent any issues.

If you do choose to use the dbtech_classifieds.css template, add it at the end, and remember to always check it's not been overwritten at each update we put out. Calling it on this template has the benefit that it will only show up when we want it to. :) additional.css can be called on any page.

I hope this helps. It might be that in a future update I can make it easier to change the colouring we use. I'll take a look at it and see how feasible it might be. The problem will always come down to the massive variety of styles and templates users have which may make it more difficult to create a standard fix all to a problem like this. :)
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