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This looks like a caching issue. Try reimporting the XML and flushing any caching system.

If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll take a look at it. :)
Re-imported and flushed all cache's again. Still same problem.

If you haven't yet try this...

Maintenance --> Clear System Cache

Repair Cache on all dbtech products ...slider (really important)

Also clear browser history

I had the same issue seems to be working for me know :)
This problem is still prevalentrelist.webp in the latest beta release (13). I also have a new issue, the image I have in the first post is of the "relist" page. There are now options not available when trying to relist.
You need to Repair Cache to get all the options displaying properly when editing or relisting an item or creating a new one.

I'm looking at the issue with the phrases now. Sorry for the delay in replying to your last post... I missed the notification me thinks. :S
I've just found out what caused fewer options to be available and also the missing phrase on the relist page... so they're sorted now... (I'll Patch Beta 14 later and post here once I have done so).

I'm looking for the admin listing phrase problem now... :)
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