
  1. jluerken

    Bug Phrase error when uploading file

    Hi Fillip H., when I upload a file to a category on the redirect page a phrase is missing. Take a look at the attachment. Kind regards jluerken
  2. jluerken

    Bug vbForms makes field required which is set to not be required

    Hi, I am using vbForms and created a category with a question of type "url". This question was set to "Not being required". If I now fill out the page and leave the url field empty vbForms always reports an error that this field is mandatory. Seems to be a bug in the actual version. I did not...
  3. jluerken

    Legacy Sort Questions with ID

    Hi, I really love vbForms, it's making my life much easier when I have to get additional info for a post from my members. While creating categories, questions and so on I was missing the function to sort the Questions by ID. At the moment the questions for a category show up in the order I...
  4. K

    Question kategori ve alt kategori thema

    How do I like this Downloads
  5. jluerken

    Bug Small bug if no categories were created

    Hi, I found a small bug in the actual version of vbForms. If you did not create categories in the Addon settings but turn the following option ON Display Form Category On Forum Display This controls whether the Category of the form is shown next to thread titles on the "Forum Display" page...
  6. G

    Question Last download by customization in category list

    In category list I want to make phrase 'by user date time' in one line, not in two like now. I have the same single-line of phase 'by.... date time' on my forum:
  7. MaxLiao

    Question How do I get the content to appear?

    This is a two parter ... PART 1 I'm not able to get the slider to display how we desire. I need to know if this is working as intended, if I misconfigured something, or if there is another issue involved. Testing conditions: One Custom content. One Article with one category. One Article...
  8. G

    Legacy "Is Thumbnail" checkbox when editing files

    Upgraded VbDownloads from 1.3.8 to 2.0.0 on main site... :( Had problems with DBerrors, found solution here, deleted all old files... You should write about the necessity of manual removing of old files in the Upgrade Notes... instead of searching info in forum threads. All my old downloads...
  9. CharlieDelta

    Bug Filter Results Options on Statistics Page

    I am not sure if this is a bug but I only have one option in the statistics page which is "Redirected to Registration Page". Is this by design? I would like to see all the registration stats.
  10. jluerken

    Question Change color of tabs

    Hi Fillip H. how can I change the color of the category tabs? It's black text on a black background atm :-) Kind regards jluerken
  11. D

    Bug Regular Membars Cannot View New Categories or Contents

    Any category created in version 2.0.2 is only accessible to Administrators. Regular members cannot view the newly created categories. The can see the file in "latest downloads" but when they try to access the file or category the receive All permissions are correct.
  12. MaxLiao

    Question Align the tabs to the top of the forum in every browser

    I've been manhandling my additional.css for over a day now, and I can't for the life of me figure this out - usually there is some CSS trick I can employ. And I have a funny feeling this is one of those "Duh" moments where I can't see the forest for the trees. We want the tabs to appear flush...
  13. JLake

    Bug Import files not working

    as administrator I try to import files that have been ftp'd to the server. vbdownloads.php?do=import the path is correct so I hit 'Submit' all the files show up as expected, I uncheck the files I wish to import, with the correct category selected hit the 'Submit' button again... and I get sent...
  14. D

    Bug Warning when adding new category

    I am receiving these lines when trying to add a new category via vbdownloads
  15. Vcize

    Bug SQL error when removing category or extension

    Attempting to remove a category returns the following error: Attempting to remove an extension returns: Product version is actually 2.0.0b2. It wouldn't let me enter characters in the version box.
  16. Vcize

    Question Remove browse files module

    I'm looking to just allow my users to upload files. I'd like to disable the "browse files" option/page, but I don't see a way to do that through the modules. Alternatively (or in addition to), is there a way to remove the "downloads" link from the navbar entirely?
  17. U

    Bug Uploading a file not working for me

    I've got a lot set up but I'm running into a problem of uploading files. For some reason the upload goes fine but there is nothing to show for it. I don't get a link to download any file. Also, should there be a button for the Add File? All I see is text. And, I'm not able to add a...