
  1. D

    Bug Private Users - Not working

    Adding private users to a download does not work. It seems that the username entered into "Private users" is never saved, making the download visible to all users with proper permissions, not just the selected private users. Also, a thread is posted to the forums for all to see, not just the...
  2. V

    Question The side bar is not getting displayed

    Hi I am unable to make the 'side bar' blocks work - ask a question, unresolved questions. etc. I have created the side bar in the admin back end but they are not showing up on the front end. Am I missing something? Is there any permissions I need to set? Thanks
  3. bzcomputers

    Bug Issue after upgrade of vbDownloads with old database category links causing errors

    After upgrading vbDownloads from 1.3.8 to 2.1.0 I've noticed people who linked to the old categories are now getting database errors. The old links are attempting to come in as: ?do=listings&catid=X While the new links are: ?categoryid=X The database is throwing the following error on these...
  4. bzcomputers

    Legacy Option to apply current category permissions to other categories

    With so many permission options it is pretty tedious task going through and setting all the category permissions, especially if you have a lot of categories. It would be nice if an option existed to copy permissions from one category to another. In my case they are all the same anyway (at least...
  5. T

    Legacy Do away with Category selection if there is only one category

    If a forum only has one category the selection of a category is not needed. In this case it should go directly to the form.
  6. Noctis88

    Bug Mutiple Bugs that i had on VBshop lite

    Hello DBtech, i had a few problems on my lite version of VBshop, here the problems : 1. The showing items on the list didnt reveal according the set of page. Example i show it 250/page (although the items on the list is far below 250 ) this should make all items reveal right? but its not, i've...
  7. Rusty Ferguson

    Bug Catagories Not Displaying

    The categories are not showing on the home page of the gallery. See Below But this picture has a catagory Once I click on that Category link I see one gallery in the gallery box Now, I realize it's probably not a bug, it's probably me breaking stuff again. :) What did I break? Thanks...
  8. Kirk93

    Question Custom-modifications

    Hello! I was wondering if you could help me. I wanted to exclusively use the Achievements/Awards part of the plugin, but there doesn't appear to be a way to do that in the way I like; I have to activate "Activity" in order to set up criteria. Essentially, all I want is to remove the public...
  9. Renos Hadjioannou

    Question Align tabs in the middle

    Is there a way to align the tabs ( not the categories) to the middle? because there is a big gab on the right side which i dont like. thank you.
  10. Nirjonadda

    Forum Category Not work

    Hello Forum Category Not work,If I Click "DragonByte Tech News / Rules" or "Community" Does not open.
  11. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Category Usergroups Permissions

    Hello Need option member Can View Category but Cannot View Thread Content.
  12. angeljs

    Question Have arcade scores post to different file

    I realise this isn't your problem at all, I was just wondering if it were possible. I have ibpro arcade installed and would like to have this one running on my forums as well. I've changed all instances (on your script) of arcade.php to vbarcade.php in all the files and the xml import file. I've...
  13. B

    Question NEW & Confused!

    Am I doing something wrong? I have the pro version, I bought like 6 months ago and since then have put all this a side. I am now back, and ready to build my site. I am new to vB so bare with me please! Say I make a category on my forums and call it sports. In the sports section there is say 4...
  14. chatty

    Bug Can not Upgrade from 1.3.8 to 2.1.0

    Hi there, if i try to upgrade vbDownloads from it's current version 1.3.8 to 2.1.0 i get this error message : Invalid SQL: REPLACE INTO vb_dbtech_downloads_download SELECT * FROM vb_dbtech_downloads_filegroup; MySQL Error : Column count doesn't match value...
  15. C

    Question Search Results

    Hi Dragon Byte, When a search is done the image name is not showing, any ideas how i can implement this? I tried a few things myself, but couldn't get it to work. For example on Special Forces - Roll Of Honour - Gallery if i type Anderson into the search field i cannot see the names. Also any...
  16. B

    Bug Lose username html markup

    Tabs work fine but when I reload forum page or use some tab (category) with all forums in that category ..I lose usernames html markup in lastpost info. When I reload all tab (whole forums category) - no markup in usernames... when click again in main tab In navbar "forums" and page reload -...
  17. K

    Bug vBDownloads Permissions where is the problem

    where is the problem vBDownloads - General Permissions Registered Users : Browse Files Favourites ModCP Manage Categories Import Files ip Tv CCcam Cardsharing Forum Uydu Destek Forum Sitesi Uydulife Cccam Test Pls demo demo1
  18. W

    Bug Every Category uses the same two extension groups

    Guess who? Another day, another glaring problem to fix. Now, for some reason, I've just noticed that despite having different extensions for different categories in the settings, EVERY category is only allowing two extension groups, regardless of the settings. I have one for Images and one for...
  19. W

    Bug Upload Buttons and Pages Problems

    This feature request is mixed, either a two-for-one or a one-fix-for-two-problems. The explanation is problem best broken into smaller problems: Problem 1: Users who have the ability to upload files in the database see the upload button on every page other than the base vbdownloads.php page...
  20. jluerken

    Bug Adding Group Moderators make the script loop forever

    Hi Mokonzi and Belazar, when I go to ADMINCP - GROUP MODERATORS and add for example the group "Moderators" to a category with subforums to make them all moderator in one go, the script loops foreever. If I click on the GROUP MODERATORS link again I see it was added but there is definetly a...