
  1. angeljs

    Legacy Mass add/edit smileys?

    I would love to be able to add smileys to the tabs en-mass as it's going to take me forever to do it one-by-one. Perhaps there could be a way to be able to select a smiley category to add to the tabs?
  2. San

    Bug Cannot install vbArcade

    When installing I get this massage. Updating Version Number To: 1.0.0 Created Table: dbtech_vbarcade_access Created Table: dbtech_vbarcade_category Created Table: dbtech_vbarcade_data Created Table: dbtech_vbarcade_favorite Created Table: dbtech_vbarcade_game Created...
  3. webi

    Question Duplicate category names

    We have several subcategories which have the same name. Example: Category 1 - Software - Instructions - Other Category 2 - Software - Instructions - Other Now, however, tells us vbDownloads always when trying to create Instructions or Other: The Kategorie: 'Instructions ' already exists. How...
  4. heyzeus909

    Bug Error After Submitting Listing

    I briefly get this error message after clicking 'Submit' when creating a new listing: Also, I'm unable to find any listings I create either via search or browse. If I copy the link after I create it, then I can paste that link into my browser later and view the listing. But if I, instead, go...
  5. M

    Bug Design Issue - Item Alignment in Category

    As requested I have made a new post for this issue. Hi, I found that a smaller image made the alignment of the items out of sync If you see the attached image, you will notice that the top 4 items are aligned exactly, however the 5th item at the bottom is out of alignment to the other items.
  6. M

    Bug Wanted - Not updating on classifieds.php

    Wanted Bug: I have added 3 wanted items to my classifieds which are all displaying when I go into the category. However they are not being updated on the main classifieds.php page. I have attached a image so you can see:
  7. M

    Bug Style Design Issues

    This might just be a chrome issue or maybe I have not set something... Is this ok to post a separate thread for bugs, or do you want everything posted in the sticky thread? But I have a clean install with only the classifieds installed, no other products at all. When I first installed it I...
  8. heyzeus909

    Legacy #hashtag in Thread Title - PLEASE

    I noticed to my dismay that hashtags don't register in thread titles. If this could be employed it would A) Do away with the need of sub-forums, which are clunky and underutilized thanks to being nested, and B) Allow people to easily search for information in a modern way (read: a Twitter-ish...
  9. Em Kay

    Legacy Permission by Category instead of by Instance

    As title says :) We have one section of reviews that we would like to have approved by admin for all usergroups. Currently permissions by instance would allow anyone to post a review in this category without approval. Cheers :)
  10. heyzeus909

    Question Adding Image to Navigation Links Causes Display Issue

    I added images to the NavTabs and all went well (very handy!) I added an image to a Navigation Link and I thought all was well until I visited my site on a mobile. What happens in Android using Dolphin browser: That link in red should be on the same line as the others. It's the only one...
  11. V

    Legacy Parent Category visible

    Hi, how to make the parent category is visible in the list of categories to add quiz? (add quiz off, but it is visible) (subcategory names are related to the parent category - it should be visible but other colour) eg sorry bad english Thanks
  12. XGC Paravain

    Question Updating Past Activity

    Im wondering how to update my members past activity?
  13. djFarsang

    Bug MOD - Check similar thread before posting and Advanced New Thread Button not work

    I found 2 MODs of Check similar thread before posting a new one and Advanced New Thread Button in Showthread are not work after installed vB Optimise (Pro) 2.6.0b1.
  14. djFarsang

    Bug Problem on Mod of Forum Category Icons with vB Optimise v2.6.0 beta1

    Problem on Forum Category Icons. The icons of this Mod are not show after upgraded to vB Optimise v2.6.0 Beta 1.
  15. Nirjonadda

    Bug Cache Templates in File System

    If i set to Cache Templates in File System is YES,Does not work Forum Category Icons with this mod : Forum Category Icons (Advanced) - Forum Also does not Show Username HTML Markup on Toplinks.
  16. F

    Bug Items displayed in the shop/categories...

    I'm having problems displaying the correct number of items in the shop. I was considering buying the Pro version, but need to know if this is a paging error in the mod, or have I done something wrong. I have 26 items. The only time the correct number being shown is when I choose 100. 26...
  17. R

    Bug Extension Information not showing

    Hi. When editing or adding a file the Extentions Information box only shows the title of the table and not actual extentions. There are extentions loaded and the system works fine otherwise. I don't have the default skin installed so unsure if it's a issue. If it is can I simply add or amend...
  18. flash

    Bug Category drop down selector defaults back to the first category when editing a review

    Loving this mod guys! Just something I noticed - when I go to edit a review the category drop down selector defaults back to whatever the first category is. This means that I have to reselect the category every time I want to make a simple edit to a review.
  19. H

    Question Questions

    I am testing and learning the product. 1. I added an item to buy the right to upload a smilie. We bought it, but now we cannot figure out where to go to upload the smilie. I know how to do it through the admin, but not as a general registered forum member. 2. I asked about the difference...
  20. Nirjonadda

    Question Item Show

    How to set Item Show per page?