
  1. F

    Question Deleted Files Still Show in "More From This User"

    After running several test uploads I used FTP to delete the test files. I also deleted the categories in Category Manager . The old uploads still show up in "More From This User". I tried a Repair Cache, nothing. How do I get rid of references to deleted files?
  2. P

    Question 1 question :)

    hello iam thinking of installing the forum tabs mode but i have 1 question can i configure it like on the picture that only forums - vbulletin mods -xforo mods - skins - and more are shown without the favorites refres etc at the end that it looks...
  3. V

    Legacy Classifieds: I think you need to add

    1. Really need to when creating new Listings so like "give free" and "I sell, bid / offer price," as it is realized in Christeris Classifieds. When you publish a new Item, you need: - Sale with a price (Normal, Classifieds 1.0.10 Beta)) - Sale without the price (do not know how to ask for...
  4. Morrus

    Legacy Promote to download

    Don't worry; I'm sure I'll get bored of making these feature suggestions soon enough. I don't expect to see any of them! :) So my forum has thousands of posts with attachments in them which I now wish were in the downloads area. It would be handle if I could click an icon on a post. With an...
  5. O

    Bug "Can View Category" problem

    I'm trying to set some reviews to 'TEST Category' for example so that only the Admin can see them. Here is what I did: Set some reviews to the category 'TEST' In Category Management, edit the category 'TEST' and select only Administrators for "Can View Category" for that category. Then I log...
  6. F

    Question Private Downloads and Password Protection

    I have Allow Private Downloads and Allow Password Protection both set to NO. However the Add New Download page still shows those options available. Can I make those items disappear from the Add New Download page?
  7. Morrus

    Legacy Sidebar options

    A couple of requests for features: 1) Ability to control number of items in sidebar lists 2) Only count downloads of every file in a particular entry as one download. Some items by their nature consist of lots of small files. Those types of items dominated the "Hot" chart because people...
  8. bzcomputers

    Question New uploads not showing in download list or in sidebar recent files.

    I had issues uploading previously with an install outside of the forum directory. I moved the install back to the forum directory and the uploads went fine. The problem is the new uploads are not showing in the downloads list or in the sidebar recent files. I can go directly to the download by...
  9. Morrus

    Legacy Search error?

    I think there may be an issue with the search function. A few times now I've goen no results when I know there are matches. Example: Take the two top items in this category: Downloads Both have the words "star wars" and "character sheet" in them. However, a search of the downloads area...
  10. Morrus

    Legacy Feature Requests....

    Here we go! A few things which would make my life easier! Allow entries to appear in multiple categories Category header layout (like the category/forum layout in the forums) Allow admins to change owner of a file or upload a file as another user (would help immenseley n my massive task of...
  11. V

    Bug Classifieds Problems

    Errors in the product are the same as they were before. 1. don't remove the Сountry Codes - database error 2. Paypal account and address is required, but in our country this payment method (Paypal) is unpopular. 3. The mailing address is optional, without it offer a price and no way to...
  12. J

    Question change default layout to albums rather than latest images.

    Hi, Is there a way to set the default listing type on the gallery home page ? Its tuck on latest images and I would like it to be changed to latest albums as default !
  13. webi

    Bug Category names are repeated

    Hi Fillip H., New Problem :( We have the problem of the category names to be repeated arbitrarily. Best Regards
  14. J

    Bug sub-category link fault in admincp

    Hi, Found a bug after creating a sub category in the admincp. After the sub cat is created the direct link text directs to the wrong url : admincp/dbtclassifieds.php?do=categories&action=modify&categoryid=2 rather than being : admincp/classifieds.php?do=categories&action=modify&categoryid=2
  15. Z

    Category in image for Vb Gallery??

    Hello everyone Exusez me for my English. Yesterday I just aheter Vb gallery pro because I Vb has an integrated forum with a gallery side. The idea is to tie everything together. But after installation on a test forum, I realize that it lacks a main option found on all image galleries =>...
  16. webi

    Bug Incorrect order of category names

    Hi Fillip H., Our category names are displayed in the wrong order. Correct order would be Greetings
  17. webi

    Bug Search result with multiple pages

    Hi Fillip H., We have problems with the search results have several pages. Page 1 shows the results. On page 2 we only get "vBulletin Message Go Back." Regards
  18. J

    Bug Categories Manager bad URL on using Edit Btn

    Found a bug when trying to edit categories, If you click on the categories directly from the admincp then you can edit each one correctly, but if you try use the go button next to the manage dropdown your directed to a broken URL. The URL in question that's wrong directs to ...
  19. V

    Bug Can See Answer Percentages - Bug?

    Hi. Here the bug is? Can See Answer Percentages? - Yes Can See Answer Percentages? - No The line of question is broken
  20. webi

    Legacy SQL update command

    Is there a way for all categories by SQL command to add a category or extensions? We do our 500 Categories forget to add a little something.