
  1. limits

    Bug problems whit dezimal 0,5 go to 5 after saving

    after you explain mee vbshop cant handle dezimals, i get this problem now. (i use dezimals because you write in the configuration: Random Addition A random amount between 0 and this number can be added to the action amount. Decimal and negative numbers are okay. Use 0 to disable.) so beter...
  2. neounix

    Bug DBSEO Custom 404 Error Processor Not Working

    Hi Again! We have a custom 404 error script process located at: [html-document-root]/404.php We have tried many configurations in the DBSEO settings, including: [html-document-root]/404.php [absolute-unix-path]/404.php /404.php .. but none of them work! Which format is correct? Please...
  3. neounix

    Legacy Support Older Versions of vBSEO

    Hi. We were running an older versions of vBSEO, so when we click on Maintenance -> vBSEO Import we get this error: /website/www/vbseo/resources/xml/config.xml was not found. Please check that the file exists on your system. that is because in our version of vBSEO, the config file is in...
  4. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta8: Error when trying to import xml on install

    Getting this error when trying to import xml for beta8: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dbtech_dbseo_urlhistory` ( `setting` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `regexpformat` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `rawformat` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL...
  5. TandyServices

    Question Save score and jackpots

    Well hello all. It has been a while since I used vBulletins and now trying to get back into it. I have a fresh install of 4.2.2. I only added credits and the arcade. I see all the posts here of the problems and does not seem to have any that will fix mine. I can play the games as normal. After...
  6. bzcomputers

    Legacy Add the ability to include a separate list of urls outside of vb standard urls

    I personally have quite a few add-on pages that will not currently be picked up by the DBSEO Sitemap feature. This includes personally created custom pages and some pages that are created by additional add-ons to vb4. This was something that was handled previously by vbSEO's sitemap...
  7. R

    Variation to Membermap request

    I need a member type map but with a slight twist - instead of members locations, admin or users could add markers for all sorts of reasons depending on what the site is about! Xenforo have a googlemap they call "Hotspots" and I'd love to have it on my vB4.2.2 site. But it's not worth changing...
  8. S

    Question nginx

    Hi, Got my lifetime DBSEO license and am planning for the upgrade, but was wondering if anyone else yet has implemented it on nginx/php-fpm? Apache is way too slow for my site, thus migrated to niginx. Vbseo works on that, can i use the same rules for the dbseo.php? These are my settings for...
  9. V

    vBShout forum

    Hello. Let me know if vBShout, you can put the chat in a subforum only. Or vBShout appears in the index only? thanks
  10. G

    Question postbit_legacy multiple currencies

    I am using 3 different currencies for my shop. I would like to diplay only 1 of those currencies in my postbit_legacy. Is this registered as an array? Is there some way to define which of the three currencies I want to display? ie; {vb:raw currency.points} {vb:raw currency.title} changed to...
  11. KristerSwe

    Legacy Block style instead of naked boxes

    My idea is to follow the skin settings more with the different blocks showing... my suggest is to set block style on following blocks. Forum home: (classifieds, Featured block... Classifieds home: on block ,Categories, Featured items, Classified block .. and have the small listing block...
  12. XGC Paravain

    Question Automatic fresh

    How can I get the Forumon RPG to refresh automatically I guess adding Ajax Thread to it like Final Fantasy Forums has theirs? The reason why I asked this is because I am messing around with Final Fantasy Forums Forumon RPG and my ForumonRPG and its completely different, Final Fantasy Forums...
  13. T

    Bug Can't Access Any Settings

    Choosing any of the Settings options under DBTech - vB Security results in a "THE PAGE YOU WANTED IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE".
  14. T

    Bug DBTech - Forum Tabs Admin Drop Drown Results in Error

    I've installed the lite version of Forum Tabs to test it out. When I click on Manage Tabs or Settings in the DBTech - Forum Tabs section in AdminCP it brings up the site with a "THE PAGE YOU WANTED IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE". I can access the settings from Settings - Options, but I can't get to...
  15. Steris56

    Question Creating A Dropdown

    Ok maybe i am doing something wrong i know how to create a tab so i do that but i want to have multiple forums within the tab and i am having trouble with it so what i have done so far i go to navigation manager create the tab then i go to create a menu lets just say the forum is main forum...
  16. bzcomputers

    Bug Beta6: Issue getting analytics code to display on some custom pages

    While testing the new Google Analytics options in beta6 I came across an issue on my custom pages. Currently I am using a 3rd party mod for my analytics which I'm pretty sure hooks into the footer with a javascript to apply the GA code. This is currently working on all my pages including all my...
  17. Steris56

    Legacy Adding New Moods

    Fillip H. is it possible down line to have check boxes incorporated in when you want to add new moods this one at a time is a pain when you have different categories and takes a lot of time when you want to add a lot thanks in advance
  18. bzcomputers

    Legacy A way to backup settings in order to revert back to them if needed

    I can see instances where it would be beneficial to have a way to "save current configuration" with a date/time stamp. This way users could easily revert back to a previous setup. It would also make it easier for users testing different setups to be able to quickly revert back or switch between...
  19. R

    Bug SubNav bar incomplete for Dropdown Tabs

    When dropdown menus are used, the subnav <ul> for the subnav bar is not created (doesn't draw the box, so those three (in this case) tabs do not create the top 1 pixel border for the subnav bar and it makes it look different than the other tabs. This one pixel border is between the upper navbar...
  20. Morrus

    Legacy Feature Requests....

    Here we go! A few things which would make my life easier! Allow entries to appear in multiple categories Category header layout (like the category/forum layout in the forums) Allow admins to change owner of a file or upload a file as another user (would help immenseley n my massive task of...