
  1. R

    Question Cant connect to IMAP for bounced email

    Been testing the bounce email collection in the scheduled taskes DragonByte Tech: vBMail - Collect Bounced Mail Fatal error: Could not open the connection to the mailbox, please check your configuration. Connection failed to,143: Connection timed out in...
  2. angeljs

    Legacy Integrate post thanks with other mods?

    How difficult would this be to integrate with other mods? For instance, I use vBadvanced Dynamics for my downloads section and would love for members to be able to thank each one. However, Dynamics has to be installed in a different folder beneath the forum so I don't imagine it would be easy. :)
  3. Mental

    Bug editing html allows you to like and dislike regardless if disabled.

    Hi I've set it so that if you like you cannot dislike and vice versa but when a user edits the source they're able to bypass the restriction. I've had numerous users abuse this within 24 hours. By deleting the following line , it allows users to like / dislike.
  4. Marcelos

    Advanced Thanks/Like notifications

    Hello. I see that you can receive notifications of new likes by email. Is there a way to send a daily digest email with these notifications? I mean, let's say a user gets 20 thanks/likes. Will he receive 20 different emails?
  5. Q

    Question Ratings?

    Hey guys, I am looking to replace Ted's review mod with yours and installed it on my test server. No major issues so far however I am stuck getting the ratings to work. I have set in the "instance" options the usergroup "administartor" to be able to rate reviews but it shows nowhere the option...
  6. H

    Legacy Move to different usergroup on successful answers/ completion of quizzes

    As per this thread: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f94/pre-sale-question-usergroups-12619/#post69321 I'd like to have a way where upon successful completion of a quiz, it would automatically update and move the user that completed that test to a different usergroup.
  7. T

    Bug An error occurred after changing root directory....

    Hi Fillip H., first of all its a really great mod. Thanks for sharing this in a lite version for people. Its fantastic. My Problem: I changed the root directory and now i got the follwing error: Warnung: file_get_contents(www/htdocs/w010badd/downloads/5-Wallpaper_PWC_002b_1152x864px.jpg)...
  8. angeljs

    Question Which template to edit?

    Please can you tell me which template to edit that shows the member's awards in their profile so I can take away the 'Award earned on' tezt? Cheers. :)
  9. obviator

    Bug Maintenance: Invalid Action

    Hello, Today I installed vbSecurity Lite, and everything worked fine except for the "Maintenance" tab (aka Reset All Passwords). When I clicked "Maintenance" in the left-hand menu, I saw the standard Password Reset form, asking me to confirm if I really want to reset all users passwords...
  10. Alan_SP

    Different signature depending on place (forum) where we write

    There are different mods that "play" with signatures, for example, adding staff signature part in staff members signatures. But, what if we could have different messages added to our usual signature depending on place where we write? Similar to staff signatures, this would be something like...
  11. angeljs

    Bug Post Style Colour Doesn't Change

    When a user purchased the pre-defined post style, the font style changes, but not the colour. The colour I'm trying to use is #013ADF . The colours work in other items, such as pre-defined username styles etc., just not the post styles.
  12. J

    Question Pre-install/sale question about integration with vB Credits II

    I have a question about vbQuiz's integration with credits. Can you make it so people get different amounts of credits based on how well they score on a quiz?
  13. M

    Legacy Hide Administrators IP Address

    Hi again, I thought it would be a nice idea to HIDE administrators IP address's from the Post IP's. For example, when a moderator looks at the IP address of the poster if the user is an admin it says nothing... I do not really like the idea of moderators having my IP address, I have nothing...
  14. Replicators

    Question Targetting Compatability issue

    If anybody can at least target the compatibility issue between notifications and Header Rework 4. I know it is not the plugin, but it has to do with the css or something from both mods are calling the same function. I don't know, i been trying a bunch of different thing's to get this to work...
  15. Bounce

    Bug Button Layered?

    Hiya, Just upgraded (finally) to new version The likes and dislikes text is doubled up and overlaps Also when someone has liked it has Likes *username* liked this post. is the Likes supposed to be there now, before it was just *username* liked this post See screenie, ive done it as 2 layers...
  16. cubs

    Want to change the forum icon folder

    On the skin there is to the left a folder that is ugly I want to add a different icon to each forum to match what the forum resembles like sports forum next to the forum a groupf of baks,basket ball,softball.foot ball,soccerball. Ok how do I change that icon and put the imgae I want in...
  17. I

    Question Stupid Question

    How does one request an award thru vBAA? I would have guessed it would be thru the All Awards list on activity.php, but when we click on a requestable award, it simply takes us back to the award list.
  18. I

    Question Can you place an instance of vBShout on a specific Forum only?

    Is there a way to specify where an instance of a shoutbox appears? We are looking for a way to put a specific instance in a forum on the site. Thoughts? Thanks!
  19. M

    vbavatars and vbshop working together

    I came across your site recently, and your addons. I'm really interested in using them. I've even willing to buy a vbulletin license to be able to use them. My question is, is it possible to have vbavatars and vbshop to work together? Like using vbshop as the shop system. I plan to have a lot...
  20. A

    Question Centering buttons?

    Site is not up and running yet but we were wondering where/how we could center the (thanks, likes. dislikes) buttons at?