
  1. V

    Bug Classifieds Problems

    Errors in the product are the same as they were before. 1. don't remove the Сountry Codes - database error 2. Paypal account and address is required, but in our country this payment method (Paypal) is unpopular. 3. The mailing address is optional, without it offer a price and no way to...
  2. Clarice

    Bug Tabs not notifying of new Shouts

    Hey guys, back again with another issue... hoping this one will be easier than the last! For the longest time, when users would switch to a non-default tab in the shoutbox and post a shout there, the tab would "light up" (change color), and other users could know there was someone talking...
  3. Sarab

    Bug Error when trying to upload xml

    Hello, When trying to import the Achievement Pack: Ultimate I receive the following error: A required field called typeid is missing or has an invalid value. This my third thread asking for you support this month, while two of them didn't get the help I asked, I hope this one will get real...
  4. J

    Question change default layout to albums rather than latest images.

    Hi, Is there a way to set the default listing type on the gallery home page ? Its tuck on latest images and I would like it to be changed to latest albums as default !
  5. Sarab

    Question Page Load!

    Hello, This thread not about just this mod, it's related to all dragonbytes mods.. I'm using in my forum about 86 different mods, and many of yours ofcourse *^* So yesterday I made some testing to see what effect the speed of my forum which was 11 - 19 sec to load ="( The result was when...
  6. A

    Xenforo 1.2 Dragonbyte MMO

    Hello you told me to report any issues i found currently i have found 2. cb94aac1329db026992869f4b7761914.png The bar and search bar boundry does not show up. c88399b0ef7a7e788e6bf2007c96f12f.png Also how do I link a youtube and twitter to the buttons for each. Thank you
  7. E

    Question Mails delivered after i uninstalled the product

    Hi, I was testing out vbmail lite version. I installed the product smoothly. Then i created a test mail list. I tried every possible option in the setting, SMTP, php, imap, different ports, i checked the server, then i checked if original vbulletin mail sending option is working or not. All did...
  8. S


    In the slider it mentions you can have multiple sliders. Does that mean one can be at the top of the forum and have content from the blog and cms, one could be at the top of the cms and have content from the forum and blogs, and one could be at the top blog and have content from the forum and...
  9. J

    Bug My observations

    I have installed dbseo on my test forum @ 401 Authorization Required 1. Installation was smooth but I think the documentation should have a step by step upgrade from vbseo walkthrough (I didn't know when to turn off vbseo for example). 2. Rules - my custom rules were not transferred to dbseo...
  10. S

    Question Shout Issues Before and After Upgrade to 4.2.2

    A week ago everything was fine. Shout was smooth, no issues. Was on 4.2.0. Had not recently installed any files, mods nothing. All of a sudden, shout gets stuck on loading every once in awhile, rest of the site loads quick as always. Would have to refresh the page, sometimes and site over and...
  11. W

    Anyone with experience with Sparknode?

    My Experiences With Sparknode (retitled) Hey all! It's that time of the year when I get annoyed with my host and start looking at alternatives. Long story short: I'm at Dreamhost, and I feel like they've gone downhill in recent history, and that combined with my slow decline in traffic means my...
  12. Freekoid

    Bug non-aligned text in admin-cp drop down

    Text leaking
  13. Papa Bear

    Error On DBTech

    Here on DBT when i clicked on Forum Actions and the clicked on Mark Forums Read it produced this error Warning: Argument 1 passed to VBNOTIF::init() must be an instance of vB_Registry, null given, called in ..../dbtech/notifications/hooks/global_start.php on line 7 and defined in...
  14. BuffaloRange

    Bug vBShout 6.2.1 Shouts Do Not Display In Internet Explorer 10 / 11

    Members using Internet Explorer cannot see the shouts. They are white on a white background. Members using Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera are not having this issue. It is exclusive to Internet Explorer. While my first suggestion is to use a different browser, some cannot do so from work.
  15. angeljs

    Question WYSIWYG Editor Problem

    Okay, I have a bit of a problem. Nothing to do with your mod as that works fine. It's just that I have vBa Dynamics, and their editor, although using vBulletins editor to some extent, is in a different folder off the forum. When I go to add a download (which is what I'm using that mod for), all...
  16. CharlieDelta

    Legacy DBTReviews Integration

    Possible to integrate with DBTReviews?
  17. Q

    Question Import question

    Hey guys, as you might have noticed I am in the process of replacing most of my mod's with those you are offering. I just can't stick anymore with mod's which run great at first but then after a while they are not updated or supported anymore. Usually I get your "lite" versions and when they...
  18. S

    Bug Warning: Non-static method

    Hello, I just upgraded our forum to the new VB Version 4.2.2 and get this error message on top of the forum page and on the admin cp After i disabled this mod is still shown on the forum index page. The installed version of this mod is 1.3.6 PL2 Many Thanks! sven
  19. Q

    Question Activity Contest problem

    I am trying to setup my first contest but for some reason the options doesn't show properly on my admin panel. See screenshot. I tried already to rebuild the cache but it didn't help
  20. Q

    Question Ranking question

    Yesterday I installed the PRO version on my test server to see how it all works before I go live with it. The forum on my test server is a copy I did about a moth ago from the live forum. Therefore there is no real activity going on besides from myself to test things out. I am a little confused...