
  1. Nirjonadda

    Bug Global Search Box Style Issue

    Global Search Box Bug and Social Icons Show Conflict With [DBTech] vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs / Tab Management ,How to fix on this issue?please can you fix on this? Thanks Without [DBTech] vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs With [DBTech] vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs
  2. C

    Bug loader image issues

    I was playing with the slide loader graphic and it doesn't appear that changing it to "bar" works...I don't get any loader image on bar. Also shouldn't the pie loader graphic provide a moving graphic indicating when the slide is about to change? I notice it isn't animated here on DBtech either.
  3. Bullmama DeLano

    Question Disabling Navtab and Pin It button?

    Two questions as I am loving this new modification and if it works the way I intend, I will want to go pro for the watermarking. First, how do I disable the Navtab? I cannot find a setting for this. Second, when I use the pin it button I am getting a weird photo instead of the actual photo in...
  4. B

    Question Problem with sidebar block

    Have some problem with custom styles - tf_ideal and seamuslight banner (sidebar block form for vbanswers). will attach Pictures ...hope some help to fix those blocks ... regards bosss
  5. jluerken

    Bug Save Post as a Draft useable for guests

    Hi Mokonzi, unregistered users are not allowed to save posts as a draft. I have a "guestbook" area where they are allowed to post. "Save Post as a Draft" is shown under "Additional Options" for guests but this is disabled for this usergroup. The option should be hidden and not work as well...
  6. Steris56

    Hide User ID's

    Please delete this thread
  7. D

    Question Like Button Background Color

    I have 2 problems, one I know is not a bug, and the other might be. 1. The color of the "like" button is far too dark. What css code, or other editing do I need to do so this is either transparent, or at least shows up so people can see the text in the button? Below is a screen capture: 2...
  8. W

    Bug Charged content visible in activity stream

    In activity stream or what's new page, the charged content neither hidden nor shown as purchased content. Please give me a solution.
  9. L

    Hide Hack

    My suggestion can you make a Mod name Hide hack How its work ? When we make a thread i need Click first Hide tag or Hide Thanks When member Click first Thanks button and 2nd is Reply then Full thread unlock and then members see Hidden Content I found this mod in many forums but its Not Working...
  10. heyzeus909

    Bug <Hidden Content> Setting

    I'm sorry, but I went through the settings and did a forum search here before posting, but I can't find the setting to allow me to change the <Hidden Content> on my profile to viewable content. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks.
  11. CharlieDelta

    Bug Button Alignment in Threadlists

    Reply with Draft button is hidden behind the "Thread Display Options" and no matter what values I make to the stylevar settings there is no change. It is close when there is page listings. It also looks perfect inside a thread view.
  12. C

    Legacy Mention and Tag Notifications in Shoutbox

    I think it would be nice if notifications for mentions and tags showed up in the chat (but only for the person being mentioned/tagged and possibly the mentioner/tagger).
  13. Toni

    Legacy Edit All Forums Tab

    Hello there, I was wondering if it was possible to modify/remove the all forums tab? I'd like to make my forums organized by the tabs, but would like them to be separated by default and I prefer not to have a tab with all forum categories/boards showing. At the moment I have my setup like...
  14. W

    Bug Charged contents visible in RSS

    Hi, This is really serious issue for me. I have found the charged content can be visible in RSS feed. Using chrome the charged content clearly visible and IE8 also gives hidden content thru View source. Please give me a solution to make the contents inside the charge tag completely secure. Thank...
  15. mindzipper

    Question Specific usergroups displayed

    Trying to get familiar with membermap. I'd like to purchase it (actually it and one other add-on) but I have a problem with membermap. I don't want it to display just the active users, but I certainly don't want it to display all registered users. I'd like it to only display something...
  16. D

    Legacy Ability to show hidden forums or..

    I am planning on adding many forum sections to my site soon and I wouldn't want it to be a gigantic front page. I was planning on making some forums hidden and simply making a tab to show a hidden forum. Or here's my idea. It's kind of different to what the forum tabs is now: Categories are...
  17. CoZmicShReddeR

    Question Download file pre-uploaded How to add as main download?

    I am almost sure this is a normal feature but how can I add a hidden location of a download? Every time I try to add a main download it keeps opening a window to look for a file on my computer?? I would like to see that feature removed and just have it where I can just add the file link manually...
  18. D

    Question Ordering Items in Post Bit

    Hi, I am wondering how items are ordered in the post bit. I'm trying to move them but it seems I cannot do it.
  19. J

    Legacy Choose display order of postbit items

    Right now the 5 most recent purchase go in the post bit. At my forum we've been using them to show things like trophies for winning contests, etc. And collectable things that they will want to display, etc. It would be nice if the users could choose which of their items show there.
  20. GoodApples

    Legacy One Click Hide/Show Postbits

    When using this mod One Click Hide/Show Postbits Hide Postbits I would like the option to to still display and use APTL :) Current the Hide Postbits also hides APTL.