
  1. GoodApples

    Legacy Play Nice with Postbit Collapser/Arranger

    I would like to request Thanks / Like play nice with Postbit Collapser/Arranger Most of the issues that I have noticed so far are when using Above and Below Signature and requiring Hide...maybe bbcode in general. Yeah this is a request but to me it just a bug. ;) Besides this might be a good...
  2. S

    Question Hide doesnt work?

    I installed Advanced post thanks like,and when i go to a post nothing is hidden,Am i doing something wrong? Default Button: Content If yes, clicking this button will be required to see content between [HIDE] tags when making a post from Quick Reply. <-- Set to yes.
  3. mirageboss

    Bug Moderation + Tagging/Mentions Bug

    Hi DBTech, I installed the plugin as a trial, but found when a tagged post had been soft-deleted, the user could still see the mention/tag in their "notifications" tab, and also on their profile. When the thread was moved to a hidden forum, the mention/tag disappeared from their view (from their...
  4. P

    [add-on] view hidden bbcode with Vbcredits points

    Hello can you made some add-on for hidden text in post? i mean ,members can click to view hidden text or link and spend they points? thanks :)
  5. Force

    Question Miscellaneous Options:

    You know the Require options like Require Thanks to see content I find these don't seem to work I make a post click these options post the post login with my other account and nothing i don't have to click anything I still all content in the post even attachments if I decide to hide that as...
  6. Alan_SP

    Legacy Moderators get notification aboud hidden posts only if they actually can see them

    I thought that I made this feature request, but looking now, I see that I didn't made it yet. So, here it is: Now when there's hidden post, all moderators see notification about it. Even if it is made in forum they don't moderate. If you could add additional check to see if moderators actually...
  7. T

    Legacy Inventory page improvements

    On the inventory page it would be very useful to: show the name of the thread with a link to thread that is being used for thread items: sticky, thread colors and others Only show "hidden" field when postbit option to show items is enabled
  8. loaep

    SQL Injection in one of the mods..

    In one of your mods, I found a SQL Injection in.. Fillip is most likely passed out ATM, so not sure who I should contact. I won't say which mod it is in this thread so that people don't go and look for it.. Who to contact? ( Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42000/1064): You...
  9. S

    Legacy Add anonimized display of thanks

    Hi, your thank add-on has become an important feature of my community. But as always, good things can also have a dark side. Sometimes the thank you button supports unwanted polarization as users don`t reflect their thoughts so much when it is so easy to push a button and "hide" behind and push...
  10. FredC

    Question Hide inventory tab?

    Is it possible to hide the inventory profile tab/block making it visible only to the user/owner? We would like to be able to do this to extend our use of VB shop to coupon codes from our advertisers which are purchased with credits. The shop image is just a blank coupon and the actual coupon...
  11. post15951

    Bug Rooms can be seen by using an external form

    By using an external form like this: <form action="http://www.nameOfSite.com/forum/vbshout.php" method="POST"> <input type="text" size="20" name="securitytoken" value=""><br> <!-- Security token can be found at the source of a website --> <input type="hidden" size="7" name="do" value="ajax">...
  12. BrianC

    Question Notification Location - Cometchat

    I installed the Lite Version to test but the notifications tabs are appearing behind the Cometchat bar and cannot be seen. Can they appear directly above the cometchat bar or perhaps at the top of the screen as opposed to the bottom in the pro version. Can't really use it like this...
  13. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug Slow Render of thumbnails on my site...

    Not sure why but the thumbs are super slow to render on my gallery home page.... CozWorld.com The Hybrid Gamers Zone Compared to my photopost page here: New Images: Since your last visit - CozWorld Gaming Community Gallery @ COZWORLD.com I am sure the techniques are similar between the two for...
  14. R

    Question Items Display Style - In Signature

    Hey guys, Got the shop set up and testing it out. At this time i see the item display postbit only allows me to show it below post count. I would like to move this into the signature section because I plan to use larger icons and they will not fit. I used to use Ishop and have attached a...
  15. S

    DragonByte Gallery

    I am wondering if there is a current setting to allow users to allow other users access to their hidden albums by adding their name to a list of allowed users? Not sure how the password would work for me but I would prefer the owner adding users to the allowed list.
  16. twolegit

    something is wrong

    first my vbshout will not save changes in admincp and my vbdownloads will not save uploads all the info saves just not the file and now my customer area here says i have no licenses please help like i know you will :)
  17. B

    Bug User Profile Tab Bugs - Empty Pages & Randomly Sorted Imported Likes

    This is a continuation of my posts on vb.org: vBulletin.org Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] Advanced Post Thanks / Like v2 (vB4) [AJAX] Yes, both of those problems are happening on every single profile. I already PM'd you some links to those profiles and the login details for a test...
  18. mvdig

    Question Album cannot create hidden?

    Dear Sir, I want some of my photo album be hidden to public or not want list public gallery but if I give link need work I try this feature when creating Album Hidden from Public? but it not work for me could you please advice Regards
  19. F

    Automatically add watermark to uploaded photos/attachements

    I would very much like to see a mod that would automatically add a predefined watermark to images attached in posts. For my site at least people post personal photos of people, scenery etc. The ability to add a watermark on the fly would be very helpful. Parameters that would allow me the most...
  20. Trekkan

    Legacy Need Stylevars for "Hidden"/More Button info

    Basically, when clicking that button, the background and whatnot is still the vB Blue. Would be good to have Stylevars for these.