
  1. J

    Legacy How to translate events?

    Hello guys, please I need your help. How to translate the events (Adjust, donate, paycheck, poll, post, rate, etc...)?. I have tried by language and phrases, but can not find. Thank you for your help.
  2. Trekkan

    Bug There is no way to delete a field

    I can't see any way to delete fields in the manage fields area of the adminCP
  3. the-danzor

    IMPORTANT: NavTab 4.2 New Update

    These updates are attached in the latest build updated tonight. ADDITIONAL.CSS Find the classes below, overwrite them with the code below. .custom_navigation2 { width:100%; overflow:hidden; background:url(images/dragonbyte_mmogaming/_custom/navigation/nav_left2.png) top left repeat-y...
  4. the-danzor

    IMPORTANT: 4.2 Changes - 28th June

    These are the manual edits made in the template, for anyone who has made customizations with the template. Additional Css: Add the following to the file: .dbt_navbar_custom { background:#16100b; border-radius:8px; -moz-border-radius:8px; -webkit-border-radius:8px; border:1px solid...
  5. Darkwaltz4

    Question Tournament Feature Overview

    Here are the details on how I am implementing/planning current features to work. This will probably morph into the user guide later. If you want clarification, ask in this thread. If you have suggestions/alterations to discuss, start a new thread on it. Tournaments These are created on a...
  6. Trekkan

    Unable to remain logged in after closing the browser

    When closing the browser and reopening it, you are no longer logged into the site. I've fixed this on my own forum (but it looks bad), by moving the "Remember Me" checkbox inside the form tag. If you can fix the the right way (meaning, not the way I did it), please send me the fix as I've made...
  7. J

    Bug Missing Navbar Links & Memberlist Bug

    Hello, on 4.2 there are no links to the Creditssystem or to buy more credits. Also the Memberlist shows the sortbutton instead of the credits of the user. regards edit: Someone got awarded twice for registering: vor 42 Minuten, 12:52:53 Welcome theking2502 Earned 102,00 Blut vor 43 Minuten...
  8. W

    Legacy Couple questions

    Just curious, as it's been said there is a new version coming out in the next few weeks, but will the new version support these kinds of links? forumdisplay.php?{session.sessionurl}do=markread&markreadhash={userinfo.securitytoken} That's the mark forums read link from the Navigation Manager in...
  9. GoodApples

    Legacy Blog line break: Thanks / Like etc

    Now that the bar is hidden/removed could we get a line break or even a setting to indicate how many line breaks. <br> Before After
  10. W

    NavTabs Edit Problem

    Hi there! I tried using the edits in the xml file to show the second navbar for vbnavtabs, but the pop-ups don't show up correctly. They work in my other themes, so I'm guessing something needs tweaking on this one? I'll attach a picture. The weird thing is if I bring my mouse down to that...
  11. twolegit

    Bug probably my new fedora operating system

    i just started to get this when uploading as a pop up when a file completes with my new fedora operating system i installed last night but the file isn't uploaded after.... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">...
  12. M

    Bug Hidden forum threads showing up in "Latest Thread" in postbit, help!

    Why are there threads from hidden forums showing up the Latest Thread for all my members to view in the postbit? This needs to be fixed ASAP as I don't want my members to see these threads as they are admin discussions...Why was this not set up to take in account if a thread was put in a hidden...
  13. S

    Bug Game panel gaps

    Upgrade went well..But still the annoying one remains..Missing game blocks.Again I'll have to post them as images as when you try to add them as attachments they go to moderating. Upgrade was flawless,but not really sure what was upgraded.Forum block is good:D..But no Cms.. Brilliant...
  14. chiphu

    Question How do I access the User Threads settings?

    Mine is a Super Administrator enabled account, but I don't see the User Threads settings anywhere in my Admin CP to grant it the "Can Administer User Threads" permission, and I don't see this as shown in the screenshot, either. I need it to be in use right now and perhaps I'll go get the Gold...
  15. cloferba

    Question HIDE. How it works?

    I have already implemented the HIDE button: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f36/hide-button-vbulletin-4-1-4-above-3915/ but after set a HIDE text, I´m not able to see the hidden text (but why? I have created the thread!) if I see the thread with other user, I can´t see the hidden text, but also...
  16. LuDawgs

    Question Transfer Credits Popup Location...how to adjust?

    I have custom code in my postbit and I'd like to be able to move my credits_popup over to the right a little so that it isn't covering things up. Is there a simple way to move it?
  17. A

    German Staff Only Hidden Posts (SOHP) goes Beiträge nur für Forumsmitarbeiter (BnfF)

    DEUTSCH/GERMAN: Hallo zusammen, heute darf ich euch meine erste Übersetzung für Produkte aus dem Hause DB Tech präsentieren. Hier habe ich das Add-On "Staff Only Hidden Posts" ins Deutsche (Sie) übersetzt, hierbei habe ich, soweit möglich die Phrasen von der Formulierung an vBulletin angepasst...
  18. xandyx

    Question Charge Tag In Editor

    I Really Wanted A Charge Tag In My Editor So I Had A Little Play:: I Have Managed To Put The Charge Tag In The Editor This Is How: Disable The Product VbCredits II Deluxe - A Must - Otherwise You Can't Add The BBCode Custom BBcode >> Add New BBcode Title: Charge BB Code Tag Name: charge...
  19. Alan_SP

    Strange problems when replying to threads

    I just encountered strange problems when I try to reply to threads. :( First of all, I could use quick reply without any buttons, it works and that's how I replied. But, if I click on button to reply normally, page hangs with rotating image: Advanced editor doesn't open. Even when I click...
  20. C

    Question remove excess code from non shout box pages

    I've been working on cleaning up some of my sites code, both from an SEO standpoint and from a page load standpoint. Although I selected this as a "How Do I" prefix, I would also like to make this a request for future versions. It would be nice for pages that don't display the chat box to...