
  1. C

    Legacy Multiple Images from one thread

    As another feature request, it would be great to create an instance that only draws multiple images from one thread or just selected threads (maybe an option for just the first post or all posts within a single thread). I think this would be a neat way to really highlight one particular topic...
  2. C

    Legacy Manually exclude or include threads/images

    I'd like to see a little more control over the threads/images that are displayed. For example, if a user is embarrased because they didn't take a good photo, it would be nice if they could tick a box to exclude thread from being used in the slide show. Likewise, as admin if a photo looks bad...
  3. V

    Bug dbSEO gasps attached images in post

    dbSEO gasps attached images in post. Some users can not see them. I disabled dbseo and pictures appear, if active, appear not. Only happens to some users, others may see them and others do not. I recorded a video where you can see, I can send you belzazor by private message? thanks
  4. M

    Question VbGallery Importer - Not importing

    Hi there, I have been trying to import files from my vbgallery install without much luck. I have chmodded the upload folder... Basically it seems to import all the categories fine. it even see's that there is 30,000+ images... It actually builds folders in the UPLOAD directory, but it does...
  5. M

    Bug Image Problem - Thumbs - Editing them

    Hi Mokonzi, Just found this bug, well it's been there for a few days now. Basically all new classifieds are not producing thumbs, and when you click the edit image order they are just blank. However the images exist in the listings but not on the featured bar, or in the listing page as...
  6. H

    Question Tabs like example within post.

    Basically I want to achieve this with the forum tabs: VW T4 Forum - VW T5 Forum Is this possible, if so how, I dont mind upgrading to pro if this is achievable I want it exact same apart from different colour of blue.
  7. R

    Question Rewrite rules to serve attachments from CDN

    Hi, I have a CDN set up, many thinks like javascript and images in the gallery are served from the alternative website address which had greatly sped up the website. What I haven't been able to do yet is serve attachements in CMS articles from the CDN, I haven't found the place to change the URL...
  8. M

    Bug MySQL Possible Load Bug

    Hi Fillip H., I am not sure if this is a DBSEO issue or not to be fair... But I can only make this happen with SAVING on the general DBSEO control panel page. I have attachments aswell that should explain it better, But let me explain... Over time my MySQL CPU usage goes quite high in the...
  9. bidorbuy

    Question remove images from "like" and 'Thank'

    We have purchased Advanced Post Thanks / Like L.THANKS.LIFETIME I am still setting it up in a demo environment, but underneed each post it displays the text "like" and 'Thank' and to the right a small image. How do we completely remove the image and change the text colour? Kind Regards
  10. G


    Could you please dedicate a special place to that: shoutbox-adchoises ads- Contribution Goal-Classifieds, and so on. To be frank i am not interested in that and i do not like to be forced to see that stuff. May be a good idea for you is to display a forum in the way forum administrators/your...
  11. R

    Question Moved from VBSEO, some url's not working

    Hi, I've moved from VBSEO. Most of the website is now working fine, however there are a couple of area which I'm having trouble with. One is Media(VB Tube), the other is Garage Both of these mods supplied a custom rewrite rule to pop into VBSEO. I see DBSEO also has the same area, this was...
  12. R

    Bug Gallery Import fucntion imports Albums but no images

    Hi, I wanted to try out a different gallery, I have over 7000 images stored in VBAlbums. I've downloaded Gallery(Lite) 1.2.9, and noticed there is a very handy featured called 'Gallery Import' in the AdminCP. So i clicked that, and after an hour or two it complete. However all the images just...
  13. heyzeus909

    Legacy Link to Latest Albums/Images on Profile

    I would like an option to place a link on users' profile page to their latest DBTech Gallery albums or photos, or Gallery profile page etc. Preferably, the link would be of a thumbnail image - something similar to what vBulletin has natively for its own image gallery. If you happen to have a...
  14. S

    Question How To Show Large Image In Widget

    Hi guys, I have a simple request, on the front page of my forum in the CMS I have the Dragonbyte gallery widget showing, I have it set to 1 image, it currently shows the thumbnail size image, I would like it to show the full size image, Altenately I would like it to show 5 images, being Last...
  15. heyzeus909

    Question Resize Images for Side Block

    I use the side block to show the latest 6 events from the Live Feed on my home page. The problem is that when folks link to several pictures in the same post (happens a lot on my site), it makes that side block way, way long. Is it possible to have the images resized smaller? I saw this post...
  16. heyzeus909

    Legacy Image Rendering in Hashtag Subscription Page

    When viewing my hashtag subscriptions, it shows the image url, but not the image. I would like to actually see the image, not the url.
  17. N

    Question Problems with Sorting, Duplicates, Thumbnails

    We installed this PRO version on our site: I installed all the files we had to be imported in /hobbymac/vbdownloads Questions: 1. We made categories, and began importing files into the categories. The program does not sort or alphabetize the categories or files. Any...
  18. neounix

    Bug Missing Line Space in Social Sharing "Top of Thread"

    Happy New Year 2014 REF: 1.0.0rc1 (could not enter 1.0.0rc1) FYI.. .there is some white space missing on the top of the thread social sharing feature. See attached images:
  19. M

    Bug Classified Listing Gone?

    Hi Mokonzi, I cannot really explain this one apart from to give you a link to the item itself. which has vanished from the listings (apart from direct URL access) Viewing Listing: For sale.VU+DUO2 - Buy Sell Wanteds on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts basically if its sold then how would...
  20. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Tab Image

    I am start using Rackspace Cloud CDN, Now i have one issue with vBNavTabs Image does not show working, If i go to copy image URL IS : I didnot...