
  1. neounix

    Bug Problems with Occasional Blank First Posts in a Thread After Installing DBSEO

    Hey! We are seeing "blank first posts" when a new thread is created since installing DBSEO. This happens occasionally, but not not rarely (we see is many times a day and now during holidays the forums are quiet). We are not seeing PHP error or DB errors. What seems to be happening is that a...
  2. T

    Question Latest images: Remove or Change background

    Edit: Found the solution today :) You can delete this thread
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2

    I have Database error , please check and give me fix update. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: UPDATE vbusertextfield SET rank = '<img src="images/ranks/contributor.png" alt="" border="" />'...
  4. B

    Question Need some help - make xml file

    Hello Got some nice moods and will share here ... Need some help to make "status-export (import)" xml file for those moods. regards bosss
  5. CharlieDelta

    Bug Multiple Images

    I thought there used to be a sub-gallery for multiple images within a listing? Is this a bug or has this been removed? I tested it here, Viewing Listing: Testing Multiple Images - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons and on my site, 401 Unauthorized
  6. CharlieDelta

    Bug Listing Type Phrase Missing - Form

    Listing Type Phrase missing in the form manager page of ACP
  7. CharlieDelta

    Bug No Shoutbox Notifications

    One of my users uploaded 5 images and there was no notification in the shoutbox. I checked the setting and it is turned on within the ACP.
  8. CharlieDelta

    Bug Album Deletion Problem

    One of my users has reported that they cannot delete any of their albums. They have duplicated an album and would like to delete one and upon submission is immediately redirected to the forum page. I have confirmed there is two albums in their profile. I tested deleting albums in my account and...
  9. liebherr

    Question Upload images from creating a post

    Hello everyone. The possibility exists that attachments and are stored in the gallery? You can upload a picture writing a post? A greeting.
  10. neounix

    Bug Hook process_templates_complete missing?

    Hey! See attached images... Seem a DBSEO hook is missing? process_templates_complete
  11. W

    Bug Add Tab only has vbulletin option as default

    I hope somebody can help me with this very weird issue. I have been using Navtabs for as long as I can remember and had a functioning drop down menu for my Care sheets and User CP. Around a week ago all images that my members upload show as attachments with a number and to troubleshoot mods...
  12. bzcomputers

    Legacy Increase SEO by adding additional meta tags to page header.

    I currently modify the dbtech_downloads template to increase SEO. I change this: To this: What I'd like to do is be able to add the category description / file description (first 150 chars) into the description tags for their appropriate pages in order to make all the tags unique. Are...
  13. S

    Classifieds v1.0.0b13 bug fixed and report

    in dbtech_classifieds_feedback_list_bit image icons fixed <tr> <td class="blockrow"> <a href="dbtclassifieds.php?do=listing&action=viewlisting&listingitemid={vb:raw listing.listingitemid}"> <vb:if condition="$listing['attachmentid']">...
  14. Nxt

    Question How do I get the images pulled from a blog to show on the slider?

    I see the blogs showing up but it doesn't pull any images from the blog. Even 1 image would work. Chicagoland Reefs - Chicagoland Reefs
  15. Nxt

    Legacy Easy insert IMG button and ability to resize images in shoutbox

    Easy IMG button Would it be possible to add a button to insert images into chat instead of manually having to type the IMG code?
  16. neounix

    Bug Bug in DBSEO Rewrite Rules for Forum Navbar Navbits

    We have installed DBSEO on our backup server and notice a problem (see images attached) where DBSEO breaks the way the Navbar navbits image is displayed. The correct working code is (for example) before DBSEO is: <a href="/showthread.php?t=238407?t=238407"> <img class="inlineimg"...
  17. TandyServices

    Question Save score and jackpots

    Well hello all. It has been a while since I used vBulletins and now trying to get back into it. I have a fresh install of 4.2.2. I only added credits and the arcade. I see all the posts here of the problems and does not seem to have any that will fix mine. I can play the games as normal. After...
  18. pcam

    Question Images , .png , Not viewable when rewrite rules active (nginx)

    I followed a post here, , and urls are being optimized, but my images are broken. I am using nginx, vB 4.2.2, and have just purchased db seo. When I revert to my non dbseo nginx vhost for the board, the images are correctly distributed. I had...
  19. S

    Legacy Suggestions

    1. It would be nice to be able to Select/Deselect All for the Mailing List Permissions selections in each column, instead of having to go down each column and tick tick tick all those boxes. In many cases it is easier to tick them all then untick the ones you don't want ticked... OR... untick...
  20. XGC Paravain

    Question Automatic fresh

    How can I get the Forumon RPG to refresh automatically I guess adding Ajax Thread to it like Final Fantasy Forums has theirs? The reason why I asked this is because I am messing around with Final Fantasy Forums Forumon RPG and my ForumonRPG and its completely different, Final Fantasy Forums...