
  1. XGC Paravain

    Question Uploading Addon Quadripeds

    Ok quick uploading question I got the Quadripeds addon and there is no read me file I am assuming I upload the dbtech folder that's in the upload folder to my root then import the XML file adminCP/Plugins & Products/Manage Products/Import Product?
  2. XGC Paravain

    Question Monsters And Species set up

    I purchased the Forumon RPG Pro and was thinking it would be all set up with a import like the vBActivity Pro had the import file, but I dont see a import file in the vB Forumon RPG Pro and no monsters or maybe I just don't know what I am doing I am new to it I have never even seen Forumon RPG...
  3. GoodApples

    Bug Image Issues on rotator slider

    Odd I thought I posted this earlier so here it is again ...thank you auto save :) The left classifieds arrow on the current rotators appears to have a few bugs... Classifieds: I had two images and one disappeared when clicking on left button Feature Items: each time I click left I get and...
  4. LEE2oo

    Bug Uh Dont understand this ?

    Damn...Edit Sorry guys got it working now didnt know it worked in conjunction with the Gallery lol Thanks anyway, still happy ! Just one question I can not get the Slider background colour to change on the Hex codes tried several times, want it black and its stuck on a white background ?
  5. GoodApples

    Legacy Image Setting - Title

    Option to set the Image Setting Title like the default vBulletin! It would be much better hovering over then ...something.jpg or png ;)
  6. CoZmicShReddeR

    Legacy External Image Cache Prune

    I just got some automated warning from Godaddy gave me a list of file directories exceeding some file limitation threshhold... One of which was the 3,601 ./html/dbtech/vbslider/images/externalimages/ I seriously do not think this should be an issue but rather than having to deal with them...
  7. H

    Question Forum Block "Live Feed" Blank

    I have installed the Forum Live Feed. If you access the product from the "Quicklinks" navigation, everything is wonderful. Love it. However, I added a Forum Block, and it does not work. It shows up blank, but displays nothing. I have attached images of the broken block and the working wall...
  8. Morrus

    Question What does the paid version do?

    I'm using the lite version (I think). I notice there's a paid version - what does that do differently? Also, is there a way to have more than one row, or is it limited to just the eight?
  9. T

    Legacy Question about vbclassified

    I am looking at Classified and wonder why no images show on your screenshot: Is it not possible to show images of the various products being sold? Also, what currencies can be used? How about shipping or picking up? I have installed panjo through vbulletin but am not happy about it as it...
  10. GoodApples

    Review Images

    For Your Information There seems to be an issue with the Review Images when there is multiple images. The main image does not display and the option to change image in the slider has no effect. Dylan Also on another note: I can see the Edit Pencil :p
  11. the-danzor

    Xenforo 1.2.1 Update 11/11/2013

    Hello Users, Today i applied a small update to the xenforo theme, the update includes the following changes: 1) The path to all the custom images (specific to this theme and not default xenforo images) are now also handled by the Theme Settings. Allowing you to change the image folder name...
  12. J

    Bug Enlarge check box not working.

    Hi, Hope you can help. The enlarge check box will not function only when logged in? All images are full size. Everything works great when you are not logged in! I have tried all i can to resolve this on my own and really could use some help with this. Thanks
  13. J

    Legacy Custom fields for albums aswell as images

    What's the chances of getting custom fields for albums too ? I'm about to migrate our car forums garage mod to the gallery system and everything ticks the boxes apart from this. Having custom fields would let the users describe certain features of the car in that particular album / garage...
  14. J

    Question change default layout to albums rather than latest images.

    Hi, Is there a way to set the default listing type on the gallery home page ? Its tuck on latest images and I would like it to be changed to latest albums as default !
  15. Sarab

    Bug Upgrade from 1.2.0 to 1.3.1

    Hello, I just upgrade it and every element on the navbar disappear, So I went to the nav menu in admin panel and found them still there, so I click save and they re-appear, but every sub menu I added myself disappear ="( anyway my sub menu color is of the main menu became, how to give them...
  16. CharlieDelta

    Bug Images Covering Listing Titles

    I have these little images covering the listing titles on the listings page. The images are small so I can't make out what they are.
  17. J

    Bug Missing images next to title / summary boxes

    Getting missing images on creating a new listing as follows : On looking at the source there is no image src in the code for either image. <div class="blockrow"> <label for="title" class="full">Title:</label> <input type="text" class="primary full textbox" name="title" id="title"...
  18. Sarab

    Question Page Load!

    Hello, This thread not about just this mod, it's related to all dragonbytes mods.. I'm using in my forum about 86 different mods, and many of yours ofcourse *^* So yesterday I made some testing to see what effect the speed of my forum which was 11 - 19 sec to load ="( The result was when...
  19. Z

    Category in image for Vb Gallery??

    Hello everyone Exusez me for my English. Yesterday I just aheter Vb gallery pro because I Vb has an integrated forum with a gallery side. The idea is to tie everything together. But after installation on a test forum, I realize that it lacks a main option found on all image galleries =>...
  20. CharlieDelta

    Bug Feedback Observations

    Here is what I have found with the feedback listing; A) Unfortunately I was unable to test leaving any feedback as I can't seem to bid or buy at the moment. 1) The text needs to either have a background or able to be separated from images on some styles. You are the expert so I will leave it to...