
  1. limits

    Question PHP-Code for Sideblock?

    hello, i have problems to show the spotlight in the sideblock. on vbulletin.org i found a screenshot with php-code in the block editing options after my installation the field is empty and text is selected. have i missed something or installed it wrong? or could you please post the code to...
  2. heyzeus909

    Question Edit Image

    My members really enjoy this mod as a way to express themselves without making a forum post. Very handy as an outlet for that. So, thanks. I wasn't crazy about the pencil image that members were to click on to edit their status, however, and changed it so it would just display the word Edit...
  3. heyzeus909

    Legacy Truncated Display

    Any way to truncate or line break the info displayed in the box when a profile name is hovered to prevent the following?:
  4. Nirjonadda

    Bug Cache Templates in File System

    If i set to Cache Templates in File System is YES,Does not work Forum Category Icons with this mod : Forum Category Icons (Advanced) - vBulletin.org Forum Also does not Show Username HTML Markup on Toplinks.
  5. R

    Bug Extension Information not showing

    Hi. When editing or adding a file the Extentions Information box only shows the title of the table and not actual extentions. There are extentions loaded and the system works fine otherwise. I don't have the default skin installed so unsure if it's a issue. If it is can I simply add or amend...
  6. V

    Bug Music Player Profile Block showing up on Lite version

    Hello, I have recently installed the lite version of vBShop, and have loved it. However, when I go to anyways profile on any skin, I see "Music Player". This is not an option for the Lite version, which I have. When I look at the source, I see it's the template "vbshop_profilemusic", however...
  7. Crotan

    Bug Empty CMS widget

    slider was working on version 2.0.0 and when I upgraded to 3.0.1, the cms widget no longer displays anything. I've cleared the system cache, along with trying to set the widget cache time to 0. neither worked. I have article quantities set, along with blogs. Still nothing
  8. puthzel

    Bug Bugs??

    Hello, I am using DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like (Pro), there is several bugs? 1. Entries > like written dislike. 2. There is empty box in below post, in other mods (free mods cant from dbtech) its forbidden because make template unprofesional. 3. Statistic always hidden...
  9. Nirjonadda

    Question Postbit Purchase

    How to Postbit [Purchase] Show? Now my site show: I want to show , Ex:
  10. T

    Legacy Move templates to file system and read them out of the cache

    Even with the templates being read out of the cache PHP has to do a lot of work going through evals to build each page. If the templates were moved to and served from the file system then through the cache this would speed up page load time and relieve stress on the server.
  11. ski-whiz

    Question Admincp Section / Links Not Working

    I just upgraded from vB4.x. I installed vb5. I purchased the new Thanks version on here. For some reason I am getting the links section messed up. Even the links in that section don't work. Everything seems to be working on the new vB5. I can't figure out what is up. I checked the files are...
  12. Nirjonadda

    Question Currency Menu

    How to Disable Currency Menu from Navbar?
  13. CharlieDelta

    Bug Subscribe Button

    When I click on the subscribe button it doesn't seem to do anything or at least there is no notification. Also it displays the Subscribe button on my own reviews. Would it be better to have this disabled when viewing your own?
  14. Mental

    Question leaderboard crashes server.

    How do I disable the leaderboard? It crashes my server. Thanks.