
  1. Replicators

    Question non-decimal display

    I am using a credit display in my header which shows how many credits you have, i been using the following code to display it. {vb:raw bbuserinfo.credits} However the problem is it also post's the decimal amount, so you can have 1.6873837430203948403985 or w/e credits which might over exceed...
  2. heyzeus909

    Legacy #hashtag in Thread Title - PLEASE

    I noticed to my dismay that hashtags don't register in thread titles. If this could be employed it would A) Do away with the need of sub-forums, which are clunky and underutilized thanks to being nested, and B) Allow people to easily search for information in a modern way (read: a Twitter-ish...
  3. heyzeus909

    'Post New Thread' from FORUMHOME (button in forumbit)

    Looking for something close to this. The idea of having to click on a forum name to post a new thread is clunky. Doing so could be made unnecessary if there was a 'Post New Thread' in the forumbit on FORUMHOME. Unlike the mod linked to above, I don't want a small, unobtrusive button that's...
  4. A

    Question Won'r show up

    Won't show up It shows up fine in the profile section - but not in the post bit. What is the code to manually insert it into the post bit?
  5. OlijO

    Bug Some problem to have the postion 6 working

    Hi, we have isntalled this mod on our forum. It works but we have some problem to have it workin on the position 6. On default skins it works and be showed correctly, but on our two others skins no. Example : Quizz Discussions Now if you change for the default skins you could see this banner ...
  6. M

    Legacy Hide Administrators IP Address

    Hi again, I thought it would be a nice idea to HIDE administrators IP address's from the Post IP's. For example, when a moderator looks at the IP address of the poster if the user is an admin it says nothing... I do not really like the idea of moderators having my IP address, I have nothing...
  7. Bullmama DeLano

    Question Which Template to edit?

    I am very pleased with this mod, it has been perfect for what I wanted to accomplish on my new site!!! I am hoping for a bit of template editing help. When you scroll your mouse over the images in the image gallery/block/widget it shows "User" "Name" "Title" "Views" "Size" I would like to...
  8. E

    Question not found the avatarpicture in the user cp

    hello, i have tested the lite version in me forum 4.2.1. the install is running, have template modifyavatar, and found the button edit avatar in the cp. but i see not the body avatar: the correct is: is this version not running under vbulletin 4.2.1?
  9. mikez006

    Bug Purchasing credits via Paypal does not work in IE10

    When trying to purchase credits via Paypal in IE10 I get a pop-up window with an blank error message. Next to "Perform Action: Purchase" it does not say the usual text of "Type desired amount..." Then when I enter an amount it also does not display the "x.00 USD Paypal" message showing how much...
  10. Replicators

    Question Don't want the grey bar's.

    I don't want them grey bar's, also want the thumbs up and thumbs down to the bottom right of the postbit just above signatures. Also where is shows Replicators has liked this post, i don;t want the grey bar just above it, and i want it flush with the post above. Is this possible?
  11. I

    Legacy Award Encylopedia question

    Is there a way to not show all the users who have earned an award in the Award Encyclopedia in vBAA? We have a good many awards and a ton of users, which makes the awards list awfully long to scroll through. I took a look thru the options and did not see one for that. Thanks!
  12. I

    Question Showing Awards in the Postbit

    We are trying to display vBAA Awards (migrated from YAAS) in the postbit under the poster's signature. I put {vb:raw vbactivity_postbit.medal} in the postbit_legacy template and it does show, but it only shows the first 9 or so awards the user has earned. It appears that there is a defined box...
  13. A

    Question problem with DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like

    Hi today I set "threaded mod" as default view in my forum. but now I see that the buttons of "DragonByte Tech: Advanced Post Thanks / Like" are not shown in posts. all 3 buttons.just in post.and just in "threaded mod". need help solving problem. tnx
  14. heyzeus909

    Question Notifications not showing up

    I'm using the clean-looking Mielo theme (available for purchase here at dbtech :) ) and did some further "cleaning up" of the way I want my site to look. Removing the clutter, so to say. One of the things I've done, is to edit the header to only include the username of the person signed in and...
  15. I

    Question Can you place an instance of vBShout on a specific Forum only?

    Is there a way to specify where an instance of a shoutbox appears? We are looking for a way to put a specific instance in a forum on the site. Thoughts? Thanks!
  16. 1quicksi

    Bug Custom Profile not accepting settings

    In the user profile the dates background are not accepting custom settings.
  17. A

    Question Top stats template

    We need to adjust how the top "x" "stats" are laid out. Which template do we do this in? Some rows need to be bigger, some smaller. Thanks.
  18. A

    Question Centering buttons?

    Site is not up and running yet but we were wondering where/how we could center the (thanks, likes. dislikes) buttons at?
  19. A

    vBShout pre-sales questions

    Site is not up yet but I'll try asking here, how / where do were change the template so that the controls are center aligned, instead of left aligned? Tried the div in dbtech_vbshout_editortools but either we did it wrong or that's the wrong place. Would like to buy the full version but only if...
  20. J

    Question How to i remove the bottom banner that says the page will update in 5 seconds

    Hi, My current theme seems to cut off the lower bar or should say its only displaying 80% and is aligning to the right. It makes our forum look as if its got a broken component / widget on it. Can we remove the bottom bar or can you direct us to how to extend it to the full 100% of the page...