
  1. Morrus

    Bug Layout issues

    Screenshots attached! (Also, I notice that all your copyright stuff isn't showing in one of my forum themes, but is in the other. Not that I'm complaining, but it ain't showing up!)
  2. B

    Legacy Changed vBulletin to SSL / https --> Browser Blocking Thread Rating

    Hi, due to the huge hacking of vBulletin Boards, we changed our board to work with SSL only. After that, our users can only view the rates, but cannot rate. This happens because threadrating is sideloading content from None-SSLSites. IE is showing a waring, Firefox and Chrome blocks the...
  3. zapiy

    Question Review Layout and more...

    Firstly another stunning mod.. i appear to have a dragonbyte admin panel lol.. Anyway, i just installed this and we have submitted the first of many reviews, before we get ahead of ourselves can the pro and cons area be moved to the bottom of the review? Also is there any vbadvanced scripts...
  4. fly

    Question Any chance that all posts here are archived somewhere?

    So I had to uninstall vBN at some point but now I want to get it back. I customized the CSS template for the notification and posted here what I had done. The thread appears to be gone. Any chance it's archived somewhere? I'd really rather not have to rewrite it, so I figured I'd ask.
  5. J

    Bug Not showing up anywhere

    hey I just downloaded and installed the twitch mod. and I'm not able to use the mod. it doesn't show up anywhere in the forum or profile area. I'm using a custom template and have even tried using the default template to see if there was something keeping it from displaying. I'm running...
  6. CharlieDelta

    Bug Buy Now URL Error

    When clicking the "Buy Now" link on a for sale item, the URL or link is wrong. It seems to have an extra "dbt" inserted as well as no listing id?? http://www.archerandangler.com/testaa/dbtdbtclassifieds.php?do=listing&action=buynow
  7. angeljs

    Question WYSIWYG Editor Problem

    Okay, I have a bit of a problem. Nothing to do with your mod as that works fine. It's just that I have vBa Dynamics, and their editor, although using vBulletins editor to some extent, is in a different folder off the forum. When I go to add a download (which is what I'm using that mod for), all...
  8. Q

    Legacy User settings question

    When a user goes to his Settings he can turn on/ff several options. I want them to be able to turn on/off the "Notifications" but not the "Postbit" settings as they always should be visible to others. Is there a setting where I can turn off the option for them to do this or do I have to edit a...
  9. Nirjonadda

    Bug Enable Product Bug

    I have got same issue again : http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f215/enable-product-11797/ Please can you check and fix on this issue?
  10. Nirjonadda

    Bug Manage Post Templates

    Warning: Declaration of vB_DataManager_PostTemplates::delete() should be compatible with that of vB_DataManager::delete() in ..../includes/class_dm_posttemplates.php on line 0
  11. A

    Question What template is used for the user profile thanks/like tab

    I need to know what the template is that is for the user profile tab to fix some things... the issue I'm having is there is a line going through the dates when the user goes under the thanks/like tab in the profile.. I also want to change the title of the thanks/like tab since I do not use a...
  12. Mental

    Question How do you alter games per row.

    Hi I'm testing the light, considering pro and notice that the games here are displaying as 4 per row whilst mine are three, causing a lot of spacing. How do I set it to output 4 games per row as I cannot find the variable in the template.
  13. O

    Bug Mobile Style Confliction

    On the vbulletin's default mobile style (or any mobile style) this modification has issues. The first is, although the PMs show up when someone PMs you, when you click on the actual PM message in order to read or respond nothing but a blank page shows up. Doesn't matter what mobile style is...
  14. nektar

    Bug Buttons don't work in ie10

    All buttons show on Internet Explorer 10 but they don't work. Nothing happens when I click on them. I tried with default skin and default template (I have made minor css changes to dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries) but they still don't work. Everything is fine with firefox and chrome. I can open...
  15. CharlieDelta

    Bug Width and Block Font Color Issue - Styling

    I am having a block font color issue when viewing a listing as well as a width issue on my custom DBT skin. Is it also possible to auto adjust imported image sizes?
  16. heyzeus909

    Bug Style Issues: Default Style vs. Mielo

    I made my first listing. In the default vBulletin style (yuck) it the listing looks fine; the text is quite readable. In the Mielo theme (yay) the text gets washed out in the listing's picture. See attached pics. I'm guessing that the blocks are using inherited styles in Mielo which are...
  17. Eda

    Bug Messages not displaying when "edit site : off"

    The content of my shoutbox (users shouts) is only active when im opening the page with the "Edit site:" button with state "on" When button is "off", we are able to shout but no messages are viewable. Active users and sticky are showing correctly. And the "Working..." dialog is showing up on...
  18. S

    VBSlider 3.0.1 for VB 3.8.X - Variable {vb:raw show.vbslider_instance1} dont work

    Hi I am testing the VBSlider Lite version before boy the pro version. I want to know if I can add manually the variable to place to Slider in any template / place. I trayed to put the {vb:raw show.vbslider_instance1} but dont works, the format {vb:xxxxxx} is complatible with 3.8.5??? Becouse...
  19. angeljs

    Question Which template to edit?

    Please can you tell me which template to edit that shows the member's awards in their profile so I can take away the 'Award earned on' tezt? Cheers. :)
  20. benowns

    Question How do i sell credits via paypal, and then enable the use of credits in my vbshop?

    Hello all! :) How do i sell credits via paypal, and then enable the use of those credits in my vbshop? i have the license for both. EDIT: To add quick small tut on how to do this. 1. Configure the PayPal API under the Paid Subscriptions AdminCP menu group, add your paypal email addresses to...