
  1. Mokonzi

    Bug Global Score Not Showing on Website

    Even though global scores are being submitted, at least my user account on my site isn't showing me as having a score registered at DBTech's global listing.
  2. Mokonzi

    Bug Random Opponent Not So Random

    Noticed that in the league tournament there has been at least one occasion that when games are completed the opponent picked has been the same player. I had the same player picked as an opponent 3 times in succession.
  3. S

    Bug Countdown Timer

    Not sure if it is a bug or just something to do with the times each round was completed previously.. First round game time remaining. Second round game time remaining. Third round game time remaining. The countdown time is increasing..Also I noticed it's costing vbcredits to play a...
  4. Robert Morrison

    Question Fix Arcade Post Formatting

    http://i.imgur.com/hVBhH.jpg How can I fix this formatting issue?
  5. Mokonzi

    Bug No Game Highlighting on 4.1.12 PL2

    Noticed and Darkwaltz4 confirmed that there is no game highlighting as it adds the "alt2" class to the game that's playing in the games list at the bottom of the tab. The latest versions of vB 4.1.x use "alt" as the alternative colour highlighting.
  6. twolegit

    Bug Tournament Deletion

    when in tournament management I cant delete tournys there is a drop down box for selection but there is nothing in it
  7. Trekkan

    Bug Error during install

    While installing, I clicked "next" to start the merge and got the following error, this is while upgrading from 1.3. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home/XXXXX/public_html/community/admincp/arcade_admin.php on line 1004
  8. Darkwaltz4

    Question Tournament Feature Overview

    Here are the details on how I am implementing/planning current features to work. This will probably morph into the user guide later. If you want clarification, ask in this thread. If you have suggestions/alterations to discuss, start a new thread on it. Tournaments These are created on a...
  9. Darkwaltz4

    Question General Discussion

    Welcome to the closed beta testing program for vBArcade v2. The main new feature for v2 is Tournament functionality, however there are some unrelated special features you'll get to play with in the near future. There is a separate thread I am posting the actual zip file for you to download and...
  10. Robert Morrison

    Question Move Postbit Info

    I want to move the postbit info to the bottom of the postbit. The issue is that I haven't been over to figure that out. I also can't figure out how to change the text color of "Trophies" from black.
  11. S

    Bug High Score v2 Games.

    Not sure what happened here,but thought it better to report it.Had alot of reports of games reverse scoring after the update to 1.3.0.See images below.. First image is on the test board and adding the games..Both v2 and v32 show High Score Second image is on Live site after update and the...
  12. L

    Bug Since update to vb 4.2 no scores working

    Hi, since i Updated my forum to Version 4.2 there no scores are submitted now. The settings are correct and the .htaccess is the same. If i try to submit a new score then i see only a white page (where the game was) or i see for a few seconds the index.php in the game frame and then the...
  13. doctorsexy

    Question vbseo and arcade

    Hi... what do i need to add to the arcades .htaccess file to get vbseo and the arcade to work on my server..thanks
  14. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug VBArcade 1.30 XML Install Parse error

    Just downloaded and tried to install and received this error when using the product-dbtech_vbarcade.xml Installer Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in /home/content/47/9320747/html/dbtech/vbarcade/arcade_installer.php on line 192
  15. H

    Mobile supported mods

    I have had to stop using the mobile style on this site because dbtech mods do not function in it since vb 4.1.12 On my iPhone I prefer the mobile style but when @ mentions dont show and it lacks other dbtech mods that I love I have had to stop using the mobile style. Please see Making your...
  16. W

    vBArcade for XenForo

    Hello DBTech Team I'm very glad to see you guys released 2 XenForo add-ons, May I request you to please consider on porting your vBArcade add-on over XenForo? XenForo still don't have a stable Arcade mod and I'm very much interested in buying your Arcade add-on if you port it for XenForo...
  17. S

    Legacy Trophies in postbit

    Trophies in postbit..I'd like to see them as a scroller or something javarish showing your latest trophies..For me it's just to bland at the moment and not meeting the high standards of the arcade..
  18. S

    Bug Game panel gaps

    Upgrade went well..But still the annoying one remains..Missing game blocks.Again I'll have to post them as images as when you try to add them as attachments they go to moderating. Upgrade was flawless,but not really sure what was upgraded.Forum block is good:D..But no Cms.. Brilliant...
  19. twolegit

    Question set up jackpots and prices

    I've set all games jackpots but it still says play for free. i looked the arcade docs but i didn't see anything in there....I'm guessing i am missing a step
  20. CharlieDelta

    Bug Error - Division by zero

    I just upgraded to the newest version and now getting this error at top of the arcade page.