
  1. S

    Bug Mochi..

    I've noticed this a couple of times and just thought the games were dud so deleted them.But I see with one of the games on here the same problem. Caveman Olympics..It white pages. Now I've found if certain games are imported via Browse Games (Mochi) this sometimes happens with the odd one or...
  2. M

    Bug Problem with Tab

    Hi After updating the Arcade i started having problems with the Tabs now i have 2 tabs of arcade when i tried deleting the new one but cannot delete it or edit it. when i disable it it gives me this error. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: can this be fixed Thanks :)
  3. Trekkan

    SSL Cert Issue

    I know this is a work in progress, but I don't know if this is known or not, so I'm reporting it. This page for instance: https://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/blogs/Cosmic/special-offers-contest-vbarcade-2-0-donate-1-2-gallery-1-1-vbshop-3-forum-tabs-265/#comment1045 Get's an SSL cert complaint...
  4. S

    Bug Database error when deleting games.

    Syntax error when trying to delete a game.. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0: Invalid SQL: SELECT tournid FROM dbtech_vbarcade_tourn WHERE gameid =; MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to...
  5. T

    Question Game Sieger

    Hi, sorry, me again... just a last question: Where can i get the "Sieger"-Game available in your arcade and mentioned in the Alpha-Annoucment in your blog-entry. I searched your website and several services in my AdminCP - no luck yet. Thanks.
  6. T

    Legacy You cannot play right now; please try again later.

    Hi, i installed vbArcade Pro today. Great system! Thanks for that. One thing i dont like: If guest try to play games (i disabled this),Guest get the messages: You cannot play right now; please try again later. Would be better if they see the "Permission denied"-Message from vBulletin or at...
  7. T


    Hi, i am interested in vbArcade Pro. How many Games are included (directly) in the product and are there informations where to get legal Games for it? (I know there are a lot of packages for v3arcade and IBProArcade - but i don't want to install "illegal" Games)
  8. G

    Bug Games not starting

    Hello DBT Support ! I'm not quite sure if there is a problem or not, I choose Mochi for my games, they have Disney, I added the id and secret code, I downloaded games and they are all showing up. When you try to play one of the games the box/window shows my site, then goes right back to the...
  9. O

    Question Addons not showing up

    Hi, I just installed navbar for 4.2.2. It actually works fine but still need to get used to it. However, some issues came up: I use th vbdownloads and avatars as well as a few other addons from here. Although I marked there to show a link in the navbar, the link doesn't appear on the navbar...
  10. CharlieDelta

    Bug No Notification Emails

    We have a tournament running and there were two forfeits so far but no email reminders were sent. There are two more waiting and will most likely forfeit as well. Will continue to test.
  11. Freekoid

    Bug Facebook social link/logo missing

    Google, Twitter and Pinterest are shown but no facebook..
  12. S

    Bug Challenge created username not showing.

    Once a challenge is created the username isn't showing..And I had to be mighty fast to print screen the image..
  13. J

    Bug vBArcade and IE9

    Hello I have a problem with IE9 I've set 10 game panels and displays in IE 2 more without data. In Firefox and Google Chrome all is ok. Mfg.
  14. Robert Morrison

    Question Moved VPS, Scores not working now

    We moved from bluehost.com to a VPS to increase our speeds and found an issue where now the vbarcade scores do not submit. The games will either lock up when they try or they show a quick preview of the content.php inside the game area and then the game will appear again. The only thing I've...
  15. angeljs

    Question Showing scores from vBarcade

    Is there a way to show vBarcade scores in vBshout?
  16. Freekoid

    Bug Cant delete tourney in mid play

    I created a brand new tournament and then deleted it straight away, no problem. I tried deleting the other tournaments I have in ACP where at least one of the players has had a go/played their round. This happens Invalid SQL: UPDATE user SET dbtech_vbarcade_matchcount =...
  17. IcEWoLF

    Legacy Lights out mode for gallery?

    Hey guys, what about a lights off mode or lights out mode for the gallery mod? I think it might be a neat feature to add, it will be helpful for light templates when users want to view the gallery. It will be easy on the eyes for users and it would be a super awesome feature. Here is a...
  18. xandyx

    Bug Notification Gone Loopy!

    One of our top players got the shock of his life... He currently has 4,294,967,295 Notifications To take part in the tournament. He is waiting for others to finish the last round:: No other Member has this problem. How do I clear the notifications for him?
  19. Trekkan

    Bug SQL Error when changing vB4.2 nav tabs

    I get the following SQL error when I try to change any of the tabs in the default vB Nav manager: Invalid SQL: UPDATE navigation SET displayorder = 40, state = state | 2 WHERE displayorder != 40 AND navid IN (dbtech_vbarcade,1); MySQL Error : Unknown column...
  20. Trekkan

    Bug PHP Error on game Import

    I'm posting this to the beta forum as it's the version I'm using, but not sure where you would of wanted the report, move as needed. =) I've been importing a lot of games and when I moved the next batch into the import folder and tried to import, I get the following error: Fatal error: Maximum...