
  1. xandyx

    Question Is This Possible?

    I know this could be a long shot but... I was asked where the coins (points) go when there is a failed steal or an item is purchased in the default shop. At the moment the coins just go nowhere. It got me to thinking, taking into consideration I have vBArcade & vBCredits, is it possible to...
  2. webrunner

    Question Can i safely delete the tmp files?

    Hi, Can i safely delete the files in the dbtech/vbarcade/import/temp directory?
  3. angeljs

    Question Showing vBshout on vBarcade

    Please can you tell me how to place the shout code, {vb:raw show.vbshout_instance1}, on vBarcade as placing it under the navbar code seems to mess up the arcade.
  4. S

    Question Mochi Leaderboard Widget

    The Mochi Leaderboard widget..Obviously the leader board bridge is installed.But I was wondering if you could tell me what to put into requested div's..Everything I'm reading about it is just showing me to enter one game slug,but thats not really beneficial... The Customized Code. <div...
  5. 1quicksi

    Legacy Custom NavTabs per forum

    I would like to see the ability to add custom NavBar Tabs on a per forum basis. This would then allow say one forum to have links that another forum would not. So some sort of forum selection as well as show global would be the ticket :)
  6. webrunner

    Bug Referrers always zero and time on site gives strange numbers

    Please take a look at my installation. The referrers are always 0 (zero) and the tima and avarage time on site gives very strange numbers. Another question: Pageviews age 4 times as high as in Google analytics: so what should i believe? Visits are approx 40% as in Google analytics.
  7. angeljs

    Bug Game panel gaps

    Hi, I'm having a bit of a display issue with the arcade. The games listings seem to be a bit haywire! :confused: Please see attached image.
  8. S

    Bug No such file.

    Hi, I installed today and think I have imported all my ibp games incorrectly.It has imported all old scores and the image folders and also created a temp folder.But unfortunatly it didn't pull any of the games..Am I too ulpoad the swf's to another folder,or have I just made a mess of it...
  9. Black tiger

    Question .Htaccess problem ??

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on # If vbulletin is in a subdirectory, add it here RewriteBase /forums/ # Retrieve gamedata requests and send to new dbtech locations RewriteRule ^arcade/gamedata/(.*) dbtech/vbarcade/media/$1 [L] # Retrieve crossdomain requests...
  10. G

    Question scor dont safe lite version

    i have the same problem wth the lite version i like this mode its so good bud the problem is scor dont send! i need to ask is this problem only in the free lite version? i like to bay the arcade bud i need to now if the scor safe in pro version. thank you.
  11. webrunner

    Bug Files uploaded are too large: score not submitting

    Hi, I just updated vbarcade to version 1.1.1 and now the scores are not submitting anymore. Inside the box there is an error message just briefly visibla: uploaded files are too large (or something like that, it really goes away fast) and then it brings me to the comment of my old highscore...
  12. S

    Question Adding My existign Rotating banner

    I would to drop in my existing rotating banner to my arcade pages. So that it appears in between the header and the content ie arcade stuff tia Seaweed
  13. c0dhackz

    Legacy add resource for italian website

    hi .. i like the vbarcade .. i have try the lite version and this is awesome ... i have try to install games .sfw downloaded from this italian site: Flakboy 2 - Free online games at Gameportal.net but isnt work :( this site is beast for me because you can choise your lenguage for the game you...
  14. B

    Question no score saving

    Hi, i install right now your mod and import my old games from my ibparcade. great it shows all the old scores but when i play a game now it safe not the score from me. what do i wrong? After the play and i push submit, the arcade load my forumhome in the little game window and then the...
  15. DxtGaming

    Question Scores not submitting

    I remember to have it while beta the cause was .htaccess but I forgot how to fix it :o .htaccess View hyNaRo.jpg on ScreenSnapr
  16. twolegit

    Question keep guest from playing games

    i have set my permissions but when i check there are guest playing in the arcade and they can see Latest Champions and latest scores (and play games from there) and they can see 2 games in the all tab and 1 game in the action tab but all the other tabs are hidden. not a great deal but would...
  17. E

    Bug Warning: Division by zero in [path]/arcade.php on line 126 - Vbulletin 4.1.10

    Hello everyone, I recently installed the pro version of the vbArcade after having the Lite version for a day or so. No one has had access to the mod but the administrators and just after we install the product for the pro version we're getting this error messege on top of the page and also...
  18. webrunner

    Bug Score not submitting correctly

    Hi, Somtehing strange happens when i submit a score. Inside the game frame i see the full forum index page for a seconf and then it redirects me to the correct page where i can add a comment to the score. But the score hasn't changed. F.i. my last score was 80 and this time i scored 210. The...
  19. Darkwaltz4

    Troubleshooting Scoring

    Scoring not working? Here is the checklist of things you should check to ensure you have everything configured properly. Here are the current reasons why scores might not be submitting on your site: The permissions for you and that game have not been set to Score (as opposed to Play or Record)...
  20. Emeralda

    Legacy Auto shouts when a new game is added

    When you import a game to vBArcade, there would be a proper message in the shoutbox. Like, when someone makes a thread or reaches a certain number of posts.