Question Auto Scroll?

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I have the display order set up in so that oldest is first but what happens is that when new shouts are entered it does not auto scroll to the latest entry, requiring you to scroll down. Is it possible to configure it to have the entered shouts at the bottom?
Hey, sorry for the difficulties :(

Unfortunately it's not easy to create auto-scroll for "Oldest First" since it's difficult to detect whether the user is actively reading the shout or whether they are waiting for new shout. "Newest First" does not have the same difficulties, so I would recommend switching to that mode for maximum compatibility.
I'll re-examine this as soon as I can, if I can't work it out I may just have to disable that option in order to avoid this type of issue. Sorry :(
Update: Hey, sorry for the horrendous delay :(

I've managed to resolve this, you can hotfix your version by editing /data/DBTech/Shout/JS/shout.core.js and finding
$('.shoutboxShoutListFrame', this.$el).scrollTop(21474836);
and replacing it with
$('.shoutboxShoutListInner', this.$el).scrollTop(21474836);

The fix will be in the next version.

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Legacy DragonByte Shout

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DragonByte Technologies
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