1. i just tried to give a quiz and clicked on back button..i was able to see my answers after i clicked on mark completed and redirected to results page..i was also able to click on edit quiz button to edit my entry but time was run out so i wasnt able to edit my entries.. 
so if time is available and u submit ur entry before time, u can click on back and modify answers after seeing ur result to manipulate it.
2. Guests can see take quiz button and on clicking the same - this message "We are sorry but you do not have permissions to take quizzes. Please speak with the administrator if you feel this is in error"
3. "ID" of category can be changed and entered in category management.. if i create 20 category and i need 21st category @3rd position, i need to press up button for 22 something for this..
actually u also show subcategory on same page as category in it's making problem..suppose i had 4 main categories and 5 subcategories in each, if i need to enter 6th and 7th subcatogry in 1st and 2nd main category, i need to jump all subcategories of other main categories too..
dropdown while creating quiz need to be modified too..current drop down isnt differentiating betweeb category and subcategory, so all category as well as subcategory looks same..
it's fine if u allow guests to click on take quiz button, but after clicking it shd show message to login or show login window.

so if time is available and u submit ur entry before time, u can click on back and modify answers after seeing ur result to manipulate it.

2. Guests can see take quiz button and on clicking the same - this message "We are sorry but you do not have permissions to take quizzes. Please speak with the administrator if you feel this is in error"
3. "ID" of category can be changed and entered in category management.. if i create 20 category and i need 21st category @3rd position, i need to press up button for 22 something for this..
actually u also show subcategory on same page as category in it's making problem..suppose i had 4 main categories and 5 subcategories in each, if i need to enter 6th and 7th subcatogry in 1st and 2nd main category, i need to jump all subcategories of other main categories too..
dropdown while creating quiz need to be modified too..current drop down isnt differentiating betweeb category and subcategory, so all category as well as subcategory looks same..
it's fine if u allow guests to click on take quiz button, but after clicking it shd show message to login or show login window.
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