Dragonbyte Gallery - The 47 Ronin Squad
1.Could we display the number of views in the image blocks?
2.Also Is there a way for users to click the image to show the full actual size of the image on a new pop up type screen? Something like what XenForo or vB5 uses would be neat. (jQuery based)
3. Could we add a thumbs up and thumps down option for gallery in the actual box?
4. Could we also add a favorite option in the actual block?
5. Is it possible to add a hover option where if you hover to show a preview of the image slightly bigger?
6. Can we add a Next & Previous arrow options on the side too for the people that don't want it to be at the bottom only?
7. An option to to the most viewed image block where you can hover and show more information on how many views the image had instead of going to the actual page of the image it would make things ever better.
8. When sharing via Pinterest it shows missing image.
1.Could we display the number of views in the image blocks?
2.Also Is there a way for users to click the image to show the full actual size of the image on a new pop up type screen? Something like what XenForo or vB5 uses would be neat. (jQuery based)
3. Could we add a thumbs up and thumps down option for gallery in the actual box?
4. Could we also add a favorite option in the actual block?
5. Is it possible to add a hover option where if you hover to show a preview of the image slightly bigger?
6. Can we add a Next & Previous arrow options on the side too for the people that don't want it to be at the bottom only?
7. An option to to the most viewed image block where you can hover and show more information on how many views the image had instead of going to the actual page of the image it would make things ever better.
8. When sharing via Pinterest it shows missing image.