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Former Developer
Welcome to the closed beta testing program for vBArcade. This is an internally-complicated addon that would greatly benefit from your attention as testers to ensure it is as perfect as possible when it is available publicly.

As such, my plan is to release "task" updates in the form of threads in this forum to correlate to the latest test release also posted here. Questions or discussion on such tasks should be within those threads.
The addon is not entirely complete as of this post, though it should not be in a state that will harm your forum, and of course bugs are probable. I will be finishing up next portions in time for the next tasks.

If you ever have an issue or suggestion, create a new thread in this forum and fill out a tracking report like normal.

Please use this thread for general discussion or questions.

As thanks for your participation, testers will get a discount on the gold version of vBArcade, and more weight for testing beta versions of other products in the future.
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Excellent news, I wish something like that was available for IPB arcade, as it is a pain to download all those games and then install them.
I had a server crash a day ago and had to reload everything from scratch, but now I am getting some errors from the arcade, not all the time only when trying to different functions in the ACP, I think this is because I do not have all of the beta scripts, I only have the original beta and then beta's 4 -8. Is there something missing in beta's 2 and 3 that would cause database errors, if so how do I get those as they are no longer available for download, OR do I need to take everything down again and reload. Do I need anything other than the latest beta ?
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i was out of town for a week.. Downloaded the new revision and works fine on my board. I will import and open to my members tomorrow and report back.
Love the new Welcome Box, I think it makes it more welcoming for members to have their photo/avatar showing in a box that welcomes them to the Arcade, NICE job :)
Yeah, it was in quarantine for a few days.... and now it has been updated

Reason ;

Hello dear ibProArcade-Users :)

Although my prepared v2.7.1+ was already done a long time ago, things in private
life made me holding this release having no time to be around here with you at all.
Now things got better in the last month, and today a security-issue was reported so
that it was time to act NOW - this is while I am here to bring you ibProArcade

Beside the security-fix (I really recommend everybody to update their Arcade!) I
improved the tournament-handling being more fair and did deeper, better integration
in vBulletin 4.x
Please also visit your AdminCP -> Arcade -> Information after the update

Thanks for your time, your faith in ibProArcade - I am not LOST and will be with you...

Greetings from Germany,
Marcel (aka MrZeropage)

But who want to use this...... ? I´m not ......., very happy with vbArcade :)
What DW said. That was one of my larger issues with that mod, nothing new ever done. I like changes, features, enhancements, etc... Otherwise things feel stale to me.

I'll be using vBArcade for sure. =)
Same here Trekkan, that is why I am always playing in the templates adding stuff to make the site look different.
Welcome back, everything ok after the hurricane?

Yeah, where I live we did not get hit directly by it but we got a lot of rain which it caused some flood and fast winds so we lost the electricity for like 30 hours and then I did not have internet until a few hours ago because my internet provider don't have many employees that install fiber connections :(
well i hope the cleanup wont be too bad. and jeez, ive been waiting for fiberoptic connections in the midwest for at least 5 years (im sure many others for much longer)..

in arcade news: ive found a new game source that allows for scoring to report to your site as well as another import feed with thousands of games :D because of the modular nature of vba, implementing it is only taking a few hours (vs years of rewriting xD)
well, i just did a quick calc, and this service has around 13k games (some are multiplatform) but it has its own unique scoring system which is why i am integrating with it.

so far the scoring and upload archive import is working, im kinda stuck with the feed based import. it only supports category searching, not the others i like (keyword, author, and the games specifically scoring supported). i sent the admins an email, but dunno when/if ill get a response, nor when/if theyll update their feeds :p so .. might be slightly delayed on including this in an upcoming beta until i can come up with a decent workaround.
well, i just did a quick calc, and this service has around 13k games (some are multiplatform) but it has its own unique scoring system which is why i am integrating with it.

so far the scoring and upload archive import is working, im kinda stuck with the feed based import. it only supports category searching, not the others i like (keyword, author, and the games specifically scoring supported). i sent the admins an email, but dunno when/if ill get a response, nor when/if theyll update their feeds :p so .. might be slightly delayed on including this in an upcoming beta until i can come up with a decent workaround.

How's it going with this, any progress with the admins from there?
never got a word out of them, and i tried 2 different email addresses too. the workaround method is very difficult, which is why its been put off. has anyone tried gamersafe/flashgamedistribution games yet? :D
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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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