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I got a little strange issue here.

I will try to explain it:

One of my moderators likes to list items (great), anyway he never sold a nintendo DS, so he clicked the RELIST button but it did make the post in the classifieds forum I specified (great), however it did not put them item into the listings.

When I hovered over the link in the THREAD it had the non DBSEO url of dbtclassifieds.php?etc

I went into his listing and noticed he had not selected a category, once I updated the category the link worked in the thread.

However it is not showing up in the classifieds main page

Viewing Listing: NINTENDO DS & DSi in - Buy Sell Wanted on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts

Does not show up HERE:
View Listings in - Buy Sell Wanted on Digitalworldz Classifieds Adverts

I have refreshed all caches :)

I rejected it in the end, so that he could re-list his items.

Can I still grab it even though it has been rejected?

I can get it from phpmyadmin I guess... cheers

You can get the listing if you know what the ID was. It's just flagged as cancelled in the DB. :)
hi mokonzi,

Which table do you want me grab you, listing or listing item

Also I found that the listingitemid is 975 and the listingid is 68

Do you want a copy of row 68?

Yeah, that would be the one. Sorry for the delay, not getting all my email notifications through at the moment. :?
Can you PM me the details of that listing as well, as well as listingid 68? I got your PM and I'm looking over the issue atm.
We've identified what might be causing the issue, and I've implemented some checks that I think will prevent the causes of this issue in the future. Marking this as fixed for now. :)
We've identified what might be causing the issue, and I've implemented some checks that I think will prevent the causes of this issue in the future. Marking this as fixed for now. :)

What about the existing items...

I am getting some very strange outputs from other items too Mokonzi,

That item above was sold on the forum, but I get just error code from that page...

I'm wondering if that's related to emails/PMs. Did the user that bought/sold get notifications at all?
I've checked through my dev version and the phrases exist. Can you try reimporting the latest XML just in case one got missed during the last import? Can you tell me anything more about that listing? Is that the only listing you are getting that error with?
Any chance you can get me some details on that listing, preferably the SQL? Has any other user reported a similar issue?
From what Mick PMd me, it looks like we might have a fix already in place for this in the next Beta. :)
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