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Former Developer
IcEWoLF GoodApples Freekoid Valcav Mokonzi bszopi

The new version of vBDonate is available in your Customer Area now.

Follow the below steps before upgrading!

1) In the ACP go to Plugins & Products - Manage Products
2) For the product DragonByte Tech: vBDonate (Beta 0) make sure the dropdown next to it is set to edit and click on GO.
3) In the field "Version" where it says "1.0.0" change that to 0.0.9
4) Then click on the first Save button.
5) Upload the new files and then import the new product xml.
6) That's it check out the new ACP options and front end stuff, enjoy.

Follow the below steps after upgrading!

1) Change the file extension of all the vBDonate Dashboard images from jpg to png, General Settings Image, PayPal Payment Settings Image, Donator List Settings Image, Change Usergroup Settings Image, Send PM Settings Image, Donation Bar Settings Image, Rotating Banner Settings Image, Sliding Banner Content Image, (settings found in the DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - General Settings) to see the new images made byKristerSwe
2) If you want delete the following images from the folder, dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin don bar.jpg, don list.jpg, general settings.jpg, pm.jpg, pp pmnt sett.jpg, rot banner.jpg, sliding banner content.jpg, user group.jpg they will no longer be used, and are just taking up space.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: 2 defunct locations showing up under Rotating Banner Location settings.
Fixed: A issue with the border on the Donation List not showing in IE.
Fixed: A issue with some of the verified block text showing up twice, for new installs only. If you have the mod installed you need to edit it.
Fixed: Image quality of the paypal.png image and the verified.png image.
Fixed: A issue where only usergroup 6 could access the admin functions in the front end.
Fixed: A issue with some of the block elements on the Donate page and the Donation List page showing transparent.
Fixed: A issue with the Edit Entry link not working on the Donation list for Confirmed Donations.
Fixed: A display issue with one of the rows on the Donation List page not showing the proper background.

Changes To Existing Features:
Changed: The Donate Now link in the Donation Bar Now uses the same stylevar as the Donate navbar link.
Changed: The default Verified image on the Verified Block header to one with a transparent background.
Changed: The Donate link in the sub-navbar is now a dropdown menu, instead of just a link to the donate page.
Changed: The Usergroup To Change Or Add To in the DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - Change Usergroup Settings from a input field to a Radio Button tick box.
Changed: The text, "Go Back To The vBDonate DashBoard" on all the settings pages to a click-able image for easier identification.
Changed: The look of the admin setting pages.

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Added: A import function to import donations from AWCoding- Donation System into vBDonate. (PRO)
Added: A import function to import donations from VSa - PayPal Donate into vBDonate. (PRO)
Added: A stylevar to control the border for donation entries on the Donation List.
Added: A stylevar to control the border around the Donation Bar.
Added: Ability to easily change Verified image on the Verified Block header.
Added: A option to change the Donation Bar width to any percentage of the block you want, ie: 100% fills the whole block, 50% fills half the block and is centered.
Added: A option to be able to center the text on the Donation Bar.
Added: Ability to switch locations of the Donate Now text, or Donate Now image on the Donation Bar.
Added: Ability to switch between Donate Now text, or show a click-able image.
Added: Ability to easily change Donate Now image on the Donation Bar.
Added: Ability to have a image instead of the default Submit button on the Donate page.
Added: Ability to easily change the Submit image on the Donate page.
Added: Ability to change the width of the Donation Bar Block, ie: 100% fills the whole page, 50% fills half the page.
Added: Ability to center the Donation Bar Block if you have the block displaying smaller than 100%.
Added: Ability to set vBDonate in testing mode via PayPal's SandBox.
Added: Option to enter your PayPal SandBox E-Mail Address for testing purposes.
Added: A easy way for admins to see on the Donation List if it is a Real Donation or a Test Donation.
Added: Three additional paypal.png images and three additional verified.png images to choose form to show on the donate page.
Added: A vB option so you can have usergroups other than the group 6 act as vBDonate admin.
Added: Ability for users to view their donations on a separate donation list page.
Just a very little thing: the images from the folder dbtech/vbdonate/images: donate2.gif , donate2.jpg , donate3.jpg , home_verified_60.gif , paypal.gif , paypal.png , verified.png , verified1.gif , verified2.jpg , verified_icon.gif , Verified_Seal.jpg aren't used anymore also, so they may get deleted too, right?


"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://x/testvb/dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin/pp%20pmnt%20sett.jpg"
pp pmnt sett.jpg
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://x/testvb/dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin/general%20settings.jpg"
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://x/testvb/dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin/don%20list.jpg"
don list.jpg
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://x/testvb/dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin/user%20group.jpg"
user group.jpg
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://x/testvb/dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin/don%20bar.jpg"
don bar.jpg
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://x/testvb/dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin/pm.jpg"
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://x/testvb/dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin/sliding%20banner%20content.jpg"
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://x/testvb/dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin/rot%20banner.jpg"
rot banner.jpg
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"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://x/testvb/dbtech/vbdonate/images/admin/pp%20pmnt%20sett.jpg"
pp pmnt sett.jpg

Did you delete the images before upgrading or after?

(or was it just before updating :s :$
thinking, thinking, redoing the steps I've done one by one (in my mind now) => after updating)
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Ok where are you seeing those errors? Did you change the image extensions mentioned in the first post?
sorry Ozzy,
My bad... :$
just re-reading your first post,
and now seeing the "Follow the below steps after upgrading!"
Not a problem, we all sometimes do things without reading the instructions lol. :D
well, I read the first part of the instructions (the BEFORE update instructions, but forgot to look to the second part then :p
Was to busy writing down that other part about pictures ;) )

Sorry for the FALSE alarm Bug Report :p ;)
Not sure if I should post this as a feature request or not, (and I don't know what else to expect to be added :) )
I'm just looking at: "Change Usergroup Settings"

it's just on our forum it's a little bit complicated...
We have Clan Members & Registered users.
When Clan Members donate, then they may not change Usergroup, and they should get a "Donator" badge (image, showing for example under there (user)name).
When Registered users donate, well, I'm not exactly out of this, changing or not changing Usergroup (not sure how possible that would be, if primary usergroup is Registered, then change Usergroup, else Add Donator Usergroup), anyway they should get a Donator badge too (and also not sure in how far it's possible to use other image then Clan Members).
I know you're working on the image thing (or that that is under consideration), when starting writing this post, it wasn't about the images, they just came into mind while writing :p .

just looking at that page again:
"Display Usergroup", only change the Display Usergroup when Primary usergroup is Registered Usergroup.

(now I need to post this before I confuse myself :p )
is it possible that the "Banner Block Height" isn't working 100%??? (not possible/not working between 150 & 170 ?)

(going to try setup and use the PayPal Sandbox this weekend)
Did my first play with the PP Sandbox,
looking great...
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DragonByte Tech: vBDonate - General Settings, PayPal Payment Settings Image, Donator List Settings Image, Change Usergroup Settings Image, Send PM Settings Image, Donation Bar Settings Image, Rotating Banner Settings Image, Sliding Banner Content Image.

Change the jpg to png
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Legacy vBDonate

vBulletin 4.x.x
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