Bug Viewed event showing blank sources

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I have changed my Viewed event settings multiple times and applied various limits but it still keeps triggering Viewed events with blank source users. Only 2 user groups are selected so as per my understanding the event should be triggering having the source and target users only from those 2 groups. But not sure why is this event getting triggered without any source user?

This is failing my objective of having this event on my site and crediting unwanted cash to the target users.

Even the guest event triggers is off. Below attached screenshots FYR:



Can you show me the rest of your Viewed event config?

Also can you please elaborate on “the objective of having this event on my site”? Can you please explain what you are trying to accomplish?
Also can you please elaborate on “the objective of having this event on my site”? Can you please explain what you are trying to accomplish?

I just meant I want the users to earn 2 credits whenever their thread is viewed by another fellow user, not a blank user/guest or some ghost in this case lol. This event encourages them to create more threads.

Here is the rest of the config:

Guests do not trigger the events anyway so that is not needed.

Once I’m back from holiday I will replicate your setup and attempt to replicate what you are seeing.
Guests do not trigger the events anyway so that is not needed.

Once I’m back from holiday I will replicate your setup and attempt to replicate what you are seeing.

Sure I'll wait for you to respond on both my registered tickets.

In the meantime, and this is off topic, but if you could pls help. I saw some of your responses to other users telling them to edit the DragonByte Shop name through XF phrase manager and I have done that for some of the alerts. But I am unable to edit the below DragonByte Shop name in the transactions. How do you change this shop name?

Sure I'll wait for you to respond on both my registered tickets.

In the meantime, and this is off topic, but if you could pls help. I saw some of your responses to other users telling them to edit the DragonByte Shop name through XF phrase manager and I have done that for some of the alerts. But I am unable to edit the below DragonByte Shop name in the transactions. How do you change this shop name?

View attachment 10582

Please ignore this as I have raised a separate ticket for this
I am unable to replicate this issue:


Please try disabling all other addons, leaving only DB Credits enabled, and then try to manually trigger this by viewing someone else's thread. It's possible you have a 3rd party addon incorrectly calling the Thread repository's logThreadView function.
In that case, please use the “Attach secure data” button to give me FTP and AdminCP access so I can see the issue in action for myself and test it with addons disabled.
In that case, please use the “Attach secure data” button to give me FTP and AdminCP access so I can see the issue in action for myself and test it with addons disabled.

Sure I'll set it up and share the details with you later today.

I have disabled the viewed event for the time being.
I have provided you with the required details. You may enable the viewed event for the testing.

Good luck and hoping for a good outcome.
I am unable to replicate this issue @ your site:


Could you please provide the step-by-step instructions for how to replicate this issue?
I need to know how to trigger the issue myself, not just see that it happens randomly. If that cannot be done, I won't be able to assist you unfortunately.
I need to know how to trigger the issue myself, not just see that it happens randomly. If that cannot be done, I won't be able to assist you unfortunately.

That's the thing that no user is doing anything to "trigger" the event where it shows Source as blank... it's just triggering itself every now and then.

This should be visible to you right now under transactions:
I am not saying it doesn't work as it sure does work fine otherwise.

It is just that its also triggering the events with blank sources and crediting the target users with points.
I think I see the issue. I've applied a hotfix to your site and it'll be fixed in the next version for XF 2.3. Thanks!
I've deleted the secure data from the server, you should change the credentials you provided me for security reasons :)
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